Leap of Faith

MITCH BEHAN & EMILIA TOMEO I Your Innermost Dominating Thought Creates Your Outermost Dominating Reality

Sasha Karabut

In today's episode, we talk to this amazing duo, Mitch Behan & Emilia Tomeo (Mills) who have joined forces to create their brand, MJB Seminars - getting downright serious when it comes to human development and mentoring. By sharing profound moments and experiences in their lives have lead others to forge their own paths towards a greater future. 

On this podcast, Mitch and Mills (Emilia) share how many instances of 'Leaps of Faith' are due to one's identity coming into question.  Once individuals have their lives 'turned upsidedown', they can't go back to that moment and continue living their lives the same way.   This turning point leads to CLARITY, which then leads to POWER... yes - POWER. The power to change your course of action, which in turn - changes your life!

Emilia and Mitch know this first hand! Mills, coming from a background in education, she woke up and said "I can't do this anymore".   Whereas Mitch was living it up... raving, clubbing, and indulging in drugs, was heading down a path leading nowhere. Why? The 3 of us delve into our various 'Leap of Faith' moments and go down the rabbit hole to dissect many hard-hitting truths about our values, inspirations, and motivations.

What subconscious loops aren't we letting go of? Why?
Press play to find out!

Follow our guests:

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/mjbseminars
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/mjbseminars/
YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/user/MJBSeminars
Website:    www.mjbseminars.com.au

Where to listen and follow Sasha Karabut:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sasha_karabut/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PushPeakMentoring/
Website:    https://pushpeak.com/
LinkedIn:   www.linkedin.com/in/sashakarabut
Contact:    https://pushpeak.com/contact/
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfVhWUtWBs_Hm-FrQJot8-Q/featured

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