The Bardcast: "It's Shakespeare, You Dick!"

Another Card Game Shakespeare - Great Shakespearean Deaths!!

January 06, 2023 Season 3 Episode 68

Happy 2023, dicks and dickesses!!

We decided to start off the new year by playing a game that we were both given for Christmas, Great Shakespearean Deaths, a card game by Chris Riddell & Spymonkey.

Let the games begin!!!  Also, make sure you join us on January 20, when we will be doing a "The Bardcast Goes to London and Stratford" preview episode!!!!

Announcements!!!   We are now a federal non-profit 501C3, so any money you donate towards the podcast is a 100% tax deduction - doesn't that absolutely rock for both you and us?!?!?!?  Get on it, dear listeners!!!  Much obliged :) 

Also... we are going to the UK in late January 2023!!! Seeing a bunch of Shakespeare plays in London and Stratford Upon Avon, and visiting major Shakespeare attractions and maybe even (hopefully!) a private tour of the Globe!! Donations towards that trip are gleefully accepted, and we will send you swag in return!!!

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Episode Sources:

Great Shakespearean Deaths Card Game by Chris Riddell and Spymonkey - Chronicle Books

Years and years of experience with Shakespeare from two - scratch that, SIX!!! -  rather opinionated theatre professionals, you dicks!!!!  And cunts. (Owen insisted we add this.)

Many, many, many books.

And the inter webs :)