Reclaiming My Theology

Episode 0-Welcome to Reclaiming My Theology

Brandi Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to reclaiming my theology, a weekly podcast taking our theology back from ideas that oppress. Please subscribe, check out my patreon for dope bonuses, and lets do better, together. 

Music: "Let's Get High" by Sanchez Fair

Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.


Brandi: Hello, and welcome to Reclaiming My Theology, a podcast in community taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress. My name is Brandi Miller, and some of you may know me as Brandi Nico in online spaces. And for over a decade, I’ve been exploring, unlearning, and reimagining my faith outside of systemic oppression. Now I want to bring you along with me.

Each season of the podcast, we will take a deep dive into a form of oppression and ask how the values of oppressive systems shape our hearts, minds, politics, and lived experiences. There are so many things to reclaim our theology from: white supremacy, patriarchy and misogyny, capitalism, the Christian industrial complex, homophobia, ableism, and much, much, much more.

As we launch our first season, we will be reclaiming our theology from white supremacy. Each episode, I will talk to a guest about how the seemingly normal attributes of oppression have infiltrated how we see ourselves, each other, and God. We will learn from marginalized communities who practice a different way and seek to create a more just faith experience together. This will be a podcast for people at many levels of the journey, but not necessarily for the fragile. We will speak truth, invite change, and dream for the more beautiful and just world that I believe God intended. So please, hit subscribe, check out my Patreon, and let’s get ready to reclaim our theology together.