
Adventure, kids, hail storms and resiliency

Kathryn Smith Season 1 Episode 3

Welcome to Ruth's Truthbook. Ruth made New Zealand her home 12 years ago, but I know a bit of her heart will always be in Scotland where we became friends through adventure. She is mum to 4 year old Oliver who melted my heart when he came flying down the hill on his balance bike shouting “I’m going tremendously fast”, married to Neil whose lack of tolerance for being in 4 walls means they are off on an adventure every weekend.  She is a town planner and after recently returning to work after a year off can see both sides of the full time mum/part time fence. Her skills have seen her being involved in redeveloping Christchurch after the earthquakes.

Ruth and I talk about the joy of slowing down during lockdown and trying to hold on to that calm as life gets busy again. The bold decision to take a year off to be with her son and how returning to work has been a positive thing. We get a sense of Ruth’s drive to seek adventure when she talks about cycling the length of NZ south island unsupported, and how exposing our kids to freezing ski fields and hail storms in pursuit of adventure will hopefully build resiliency. And Ruth has a naughty secret, but how long until Oliver finds 

Blog on cycling the length of South Island
Variety Bikes for Kids