Agent vs Lender

A Listing Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

December 02, 2020 Ron Pippin

If a listing picture is worth a thousand words, what do your pictures say about your listing? 

This week we have real estate photographer Aundrea DeMille from 360 Tour Designs here to talk about how to take the right photos of your listing. The first thing a buyer is going to see of the house will be the photos. That means it is so important to make sure that photo represents the house perfectly. Aundrea shares with us all of her capturing and editing tips to make those photos look amazing. 

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Ron Pippin:

Welcome to another podcast of Agent Versus Lender. And today, we have Aundrea De Mille from 360 Tour Designs. And we're going to talk about photography. We're going to talk about videos and drone videos and how to make your photography better. sunrype.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, let's do this. All right.

Ron Pippin:

So Aundrea. I want to first of all, I want to thank you for being here.

Aundrea DeMille:

Oh my pleasure.

Ron Pippin:

Yeah, that's it. I know. It takes a little bit of time. And before the podcast, we were talking a little bit about an abundance mentality. And I didn't have to explain to her at all what that meant. So we appreciate her to take the time and share tips and tricks and, and to help us all get a little bit better at our craft.

Aundrea DeMille:

Absolutely. Yeah.

Ron Pippin:

So why don't you take us just introduce yourself real quick. And just tell us a little bit about you.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah so my name is Andrea. And I've been in Utah about three years now. I'm a southern peach raised in Georgia army brat now married to an army guy. Really what took us what brought us to Utah was just a fresh start. My husband had been laid off for the second time in a year. And we were pregnant with our fourth kid at the time, and we just decided to drive across the country and start over. And in the midst of starting over, we were looking into businesses. We were actually very close to finding a little caesars when, or buying a little caesars buying into the franchise when we found 360 Tour Designs. So at the time, 360 was like a just a brand. So we kind of bought in as contractors. And my husband actually found it and he was like, hey, you're a photographer. Why don't you do this with me? And I was elated. Like, oh my gosh, yeah, we could totally start this. Like, we have so many kids at home, we have five boys and no, we don't want to grow. And yes, we are done. But we were pregnant at the time. And so it was like we could little overhead. And I've been doing photos for quite a while. It's been a couple years, I was a professional blogger, and I done campaigns for Walmart, Target goldfish, Mrs. Meyers campaigns. So I was an influencer at the time with my professional photography, and I'd taken professional photography classes. And so I've done more product and people. But I figured, hey, you know, I can learn to do real estate. But you know, I get been taking pictures for years. So we bought into the brand, and they trained us on how to specifically do them for real estate. And so we are a nationwide company. Since then we have turned into an official franchise, I actually helped co write the operations manual for that. And I'm the corporate coach for all incoming 360 owners. So if you guys know someone across the country who wants to open their own photography come holla at me. But yeah, so that's really how we got started into it. And I would love to share kind of what it takes to get amazing real estate photography, photos, whether it's for listings for rental properties, vacation, you know, I as cliche as it is a picture really is worth 1000 words. And so you need beautiful photos, if you're going to be in the real estate industry, no matter what that looks like.

Ron Pippin:

Yeah, yeah, I totally agree. Because I've, you know, I've been in this business for a long time. Yeah. And I've seen some really good pictures. I've seen some really awful... sometimes, I'm really shocked at people that have these million plus dollar listing and they're still taking them with with, you know, older cell phones. Yeah, because cell phones actually can can take some fairly decent pictures. But I'm sure it's still not the same quality as a digital camera. Yeah. But you take so. So with that introduction one. If you don't just jump right in. I think you were gonna tell us a little bit maybe about the process. Yeah. Well, let's start with let's start with pictures.

Aundrea DeMille:

Okay. Yeah, we definitely jump in pictures. And I agree with you that these days cell phones do take a lot better photos, but you still can't quite get the angles that you want with a cell phone. And the worst is when you see a realtor either standing in the bathroom, you can see them in the bathroom mirror. Sunny day outside and you can literally see their shadow like in the grass with them holding up.

Ron Pippin:

I have seen recently I've seen some of those. Yeah,

Aundrea DeMille:

So while cell phones are beautiful at taking pictures, the newer ones, you still don't want to see yourself in the photo not not really, you want to bring more value to your client. And so that first interaction,

Ron Pippin:

and you know what, that doesn't matter whether it's a million dollar listing, right? Whether it's a, you know, 100,000, it doesn't matter, right? Yeah, yeah, you

Aundrea DeMille:

You really want to bring, in my opinion, realtors, lenders, it's all about giving that best experience to your clients that you can possibly give them, right giving more value than you take in payment. And that that goes to Hey, I'm going to bring in professional photographers for you, despite what the price point.

Ron Pippin:

It is a huge marketing point.

Aundrea DeMille:


Ron Pippin:

You know, when, when people ask you what, what sets you apart? Why should I list with you? That's a huge selling point. Because not everybody will do it. Not everybody will? Well, we'll spend that money. Especially in a market today where we're listings don't seem to stay on for very long. Yeah. So I know that's, that's kind of a down. You know, it's kind of a kind of a bummer, because, you know, they're gonna come see the house. And maybe we can talk about that.

Aundrea DeMille:

I would love to talk about that. Yeah, let's, let's go back to that. Okay, thoughts on that as well. Okay. But, basically, so one of the things that I wanted to share with you all is, when you first want to take beautiful photos for listing, Airbnb rental plot, whatever it is, you want a nice HDR camera, you want a nice, a nice camera that can do bracketing. If you're unfamiliar with those photography terms, what we mean is, you want to be able to set the camera so that it can take a minimum of three, I highly recommend five different exposures of the one angle, that's really what's going to give you that HDR, which is a high dynamic range of photo. Not all cameras can do that. So you might have you know, $1,000 HD, or was it Oh, my gosh, digital camera. But if it doesn't have the capability to track it, you're you're losing out on some of that beautiful quality.

Ron Pippin:

So would you say would you say is take three to five? Are you talking? You can set it, it'll take five pictures, like, right away, like

Aundrea DeMille:

Absolutely. So that's what I'm talking about. So what the,

Ron Pippin:

Yeah. Okay. once you have your camera, you're going to want to put it on a tripod, please don't ever shoot free handed. You're gonna want to put it on a tripod simply because when it's taking those pictures, and it goes. And sometimes those exposures are like, you know, depending on how much light is in the room. Yeah. And so if you're holding it, you're you can't help but move even a little. And that's gonna bring a little bit of out of focus to at least one of those five pictures. And I've seen that so many times. It's just like, I didn't realize that. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, I'm not. I don't think about those things. So it's like when you take that picture, it's called aperture. Yes. So so your aperture is gonna stay open a little longer. Not as much light, right? And and man, I don't know about you, but there's no way I'm holding that camera that still get that little bit of a fuzz. Ive seen those, that makes sense.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, so you definitely want to shoot it on a tripod, you want to set your ISO, you're in search of light at 100. And once it's on the tripod, and you can set it to five brackets, so it's gonna take five pictures of one angle at it with the ISO set at 100. And that's where the aperture comes in, where you know, with that being less light, that aperture is gonna stay open a lot longer, the shutters gonna take a lot longer to close. And then if there's a lot of light, obviously the close quickly it'll go, right. And so, so step one, get a really good camera that can bracket. Step two, make sure your ISO is set at 100 for at least five images. And, and step three, for sure is going to be please please, please put that baby on a tripod and get a leveler because that's also you know, don't try to eyeball it. Just I know if you've been doing it for forever. Get a little bubble leveler that slides right on top. Make sure it's nice and level because the worst also is like if your picture sharp and it's slightly off, you know, a little to the left or a little to the right. And it's gonna save you time on the back end with editing if it gets it that straight right out of camera. Right, right. Yeah, so you want to do that.

Ron Pippin:

And I've seen those pictures too. Where are the filter you go allows the house to crooked, right? Yeah,

Aundrea DeMille:

Slightly off a little. So that's like that's step one to really taking awesome pictures in terms of creating the HDR effect. And this is one mistake that I think a lot of people make especially our our cell phone holding groupies is They kind of stand in the doorway, and just shoot the room. But the best way to make a room look large and to see most of the room is by standing in the corner. So if you stand in the corner and you angle it corner to corner, instead of just standing in the doorway, it's really going to make the room look bigger. And you can get everything from literally the ceiling, the floor, and everything in between. So that's a good tip.

Ron Pippin:

And I'm assuming that's just because the angles.

Aundrea DeMille:


Ron Pippin:

The angles your Yeah, yes, yeah, angle instead of straight wall. Mm hmm.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, you want an angle, so you can see the room instead of the walls. Because even when it comes to portraits, whatever is closest to the camera will show up biggest, you're going to notice this. Now next time we take a selfie, I will write the first the person holding the phone, their head always looks twice as large as everybody else. Or if your hand is up, if your hand is closest to the picture, it's going to look massive in comparison to the rest of everybody else. So look, I noticed family photos, and the person whose hand is flat will look giant, it'll look just as big as their head compared to someone who's like, you can see their fingers, you know. So that's what I mean with with angling. So you want to get in the right angle. So we can see the room and the couch per se doesn't look huge, or the island doesn't look huge. But you can actually see the whole kitchen or the whole living room. And moving angle, the angles. Another tip is when you're in the room, you want to open all the blinds all the curtains and turn on every light in the house, the more light the better. But then it also brings about this beautiful contrast and gives it a really good dynamic look. There's nothing more beautiful than looking at that master bedroom with both lamps on the side of the bed shining light up and down. It just brings about the magic is always in the details. Right? So it's just those small things of like turning on all the lights seat. Is the lamp going to make a big difference in terms of lighting of the room? No, but it's going to make the photo look amazing.

Ron Pippin:

Yeah, and that's where that's where having years of experience comes in. It's just like, you would notice stuff like that. So I have a friend. That's uh, that does body work on cars. And like, I'm going, Man, this car is cool. And he goes, now you see this? Yeah, who's gonna notice that? Right? It's the body, man. Yeah, so the photographers. And but, but even the even people than normal people will will notice a good photograph.

Aundrea DeMille:


Ron Pippin:

and compare it and go. Why is this photograph so much nicer than this one? And they may not be able to pinpoint it. You can right. But most of us probably won't be. But we will know that. This photo looks better than that one. Absolutely. So

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, yeah, it's all it's all in the details. And those people who noticed that, guess what they're gonna choose to see that house with that beautiful picture over the house with a crummy picture first, and it's the difference between getting an offer in a little faster. And even in a market like today in Utah, it's a difference in driving the price up, you know, so yeah, we know homes are flying off the market right now. There's a lack of inventory. But guess what, if you have 20 people putting bids on one house with beautiful pictures, versus 10 putting offers in on another house with not so up to par photos, you're more likely to drive that price up and get into an even bigger, better bait bidding war, which again, makes you makes the agent look like a rockstar to their client. Right? Right. You might, you might be able to get an extra five or $10,000 out of that listing just because of great photos,

Ron Pippin:

Which just answered the question that I was gonna ask you, we were gonna circle around.

Aundrea DeMille:

And we accidently got there too soon.

Ron Pippin:

Oh, that's awesome. So yeah, I saw my question was pictures in today's market? Yeah. Where they're just flying off the shelves so quickly isn't really worth it. You just answered that question. So that leads for sure. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Aundrea DeMille:

And again, you know, realtors, lenders, myself, we all work off of referrals, right? It's all about relationships, and giving that experience Well, if an agent has a client who you know, we send my team and I have a team of photographers that go in and take these pictures, then they'll uploaded them at night. And then I have a team of editors who make them look beautiful, and they'll deliver them back to us in the morning. So we can guarantee that next day turnaround and then my admins will get them out to our realtors. But if we bring it back to that first step the photographer is like the first big interaction with the seller in terms of the transaction. So when my a my photographers go in and make the client feel at ease, Oh you did a great job decorating the house. Great job cleaning. Don't worry, we're going to make it look beautiful, you know. And the pictures come back quickly. The agent gets it listed quickly right away the seller is having a fantastic experience professional showed up. Look at how quickly the pictures got back. Oh my gosh, they look amazing. If you just take a listing and take your pictures and list it, you're missing out on that experience that you're giving to your sellers, and you meaningless losing referrals. Because when you have this great experience, they're gonna want to tell their friends, right? They're gonna say, Oh my gosh, you have to list with my agent they brought professional photographers in, they made my house look better, like, it looks so good. I didn't even want to move, you know, and then it got into a bidding war. We get that. Then we got into a bidding war and my house so for 10,000 over asking when the neighbors only sold for 3000 over asking, right? Like, all of that goes to the experience and referrals and you know it, only 36% of realtors use professional photos. But 118% of homebuyers say the reason they saw home is because of the pictures, right?

Ron Pippin:

Yeah, that is that is so profound. I hadn't even thought about I hadn't thought about this, because I'll be honest with you when we started this. My question really was are picture's worth it today? And I hadn't thought about the reasons why they are worth it. Yeah. And it goes beyond what my house is gonna sell anyway, right? Cuz, cuz, uh, we'll sell anyway. Well, but it goes far beyond that. So the the experience that you're providing your listings, your sellers, the, and I hadn't thought about going and looking at a house from a buyer's perspective, right? You're right, though. Because if I saw all things being equal, I see one that this one has professional photographers, because you guys make these, these houses look amazing. And I will go see the one that has the pictures first, right? So you may not even get you might get to the other one, right? Not even get to it because you get to this one. You go. That's the house I want. Mm hmm. So you might not even get to that one. So you know, that's that is such a great tip for all of us. Because it's not something that I would have thought All

Aundrea DeMille:

Right. Right. Yeah, it's it's super fun. And I love when my clients come back and say, Wow, thank you so much. My sellers had the best experience. Oh, you put their feelings at ease, you know, Oh, my gosh, we were able to get more than we were anticipating, you know, and you do get the feedback from the buyers have Oh, my gosh, the pictures were great. That's why we came. Okay, quick story. We had a new neighbor that moved in to our neighborhood two years ago. And she and I were nursing our babies together at the time and just kind of chit chatting of you know, Where'd you come from? Blah, blah, you know? And she said, yeah, we just moved, you know, we bought this house. And I said, Oh, yeah, cool. Um, I said, you know, what's funny is we actually took the pictures for that house. She's like, you didn't like yeah, my company did I own a company that did that listing. And she goes, Oh, my gosh, that is the only reason why I bought that house. We know really, she said, she said, we were under True story. She says we were under contract for a house and Morgan. And someone sent us this listing. And I looked at the pictures. And I was like, I know we're under contract. But I have to go see this house. And they went and looked at it fell in love pulled their other offer from the house and Morgan and vault this one. All because of photos.

Ron Pippin:

Yeah. No. And if you have cell phone pictures on there, where you move just a little bit, yeah. That would have never happened. Never never happened

Aundrea DeMille:

She would have been like another house. No, I'm fine. We're just gonna stay where we are under contract. Right? Yeah,

Ron Pippin:

Totally. Yeah.

Aundrea DeMille:

Which I'm sure wasn't fun for the people who voted.

Ron Pippin:

You know? They're really that's really stinks for the Yeah, the house and Morgan right, you know?

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah. But yeah, so and another tip that I would love to give people is when it comes to the editing, right. So once you have that angle down, once you've taken your bracketed photos, and you're ready to edit, making HDR photos, high dynamic range, photos, takes hours, hours and hours and hours, the first thing you do is one, upload all those photos, which sometimes can take 90 minutes.

Ron Pippin:

And so just the load, and I am assuming it's just like most and why you take five pictures of each angle is you're only gonna you're not going to use all of the so you take no, but we do. You don't you don't take you don't use all of the photos. That

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, we do.

Ron Pippin:


Aundrea DeMille:

So yeah, so let me tell you, so when we take the five, so let's say we are photographing this room, right, I'm taking five pictures of one angle. Once they're all uploaded, then we do this software where we merge all five together, which goes back to planning to create the one picture. Mm hmm,

Ron Pippin:

What? Seriously.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah so that's why it's so important to use that tripod and not shake, right? Because when I'm merging them all together, They have to be very precise, so that they all layer on top of one another and become one picture.

Ron Pippin:

I had no idea.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, this is how we create that effect where you can see out the window. Right? You can, the ceiling is white, the walls might be beige, the floor might be brown. This is how we get all the colors and all the layers to make HDR by merging all five of those together. Amazing. It's amazing.

Ron Pippin:

I had no idea so well, that you know, now you're actually convincing me. It's just like it's even more important to use somebody that knows how to do this kind of salutely. Yeah, so yeah, that's it makes up I have no idea. Because I always thought that, you know, you take the best one right, and you throw out all out, I have no idea that you actually use them.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, we actually merge all of them together. So that merging process also takes a few hours to merge them together. Now, once they've all been merged, so we so let you know, we probably would take 100 pictures that would come out to 20 images, right? If they're all five stops apiece, then we hand edit each one of those 20 pictures. So that's when we go in and write in the ceilings, brighten the walls, you know, highlight the lights a little bit more. And for the exteriors, one of the things that sets my company apart from our competitors, is we will go in Photoshop in blue skies. So all of the exterior is guaranteed blue skies. We don't like to Photoshop the house like the we don't mess with the integrity of the home. Right, right. But this sky, oh, my word makes the biggest difference at night and day in especially in a place like Utah, where there's inversion in the summer, you know, smoky fires getting blown in from east or west or whichever direction happens to be blowing that day. And even in the winter when it's snowing, right, and we have that it's always kind of gray overcast tea in the winter here because it's a lot of snow showers on and off. So that really makes the difference. And and that first picture of the home like that's, that's it right? You want it to look amazing, just by photoshopping in a sky literally literally brightens the day. You know, yeah. So we'll guarantee those blue skies on all of the exteriors, including our drone photos. So once all that's done, then the pictures are ready to be delivered to our agents and go on the MLS.

Ron Pippin:

So it's not like you're going in and you're taking some pictures. And and you know, 30 minutes later, you're uploading them to your MLS Exactly. Now, if you have to plan this in advance

Aundrea DeMille:

You do I'm so glad that you brought that up, because as much as I love my realtor clients, they like it yesterday.

Ron Pippin:

They all do.

Aundrea DeMille:

Everybody wants it yesterday. And it's always, in fact, a side note, I've had to tell myself, Andrea, there's no such thing as a real estate photography emergency, right? Like that doesn't exist, it will be fine. And so that's why we do guaranteed the next day turnaround because it takes hours. So we have a team that are editing at night to make sure that we have them back the next day. And then we'll do a quality control look over them before we upload them. But that's for my company. And because we like to give the best product possible. At 360 tour designs, I unfortunately, I can't guarantee same day delivery we just can't. My team is photographing all day, we'll start at nine and they'll shoot these days till four because it's dark at five. But in the summer we're shooting till nine, right until the 830 and nine o'clock if we're doing Twilight pictures, that beautiful sunset picture. Oh, yeah, totally. Yeah. And so they're shooting all day. And then once they get home, then they have the ability to upload all the pictures. And then we send them off to our editing team. So because of that it does make it more difficult. We can't really do same day. But I will guarantee you the next day and I will guarantee they're going to be beautiful.

Ron Pippin:

You know that? Just just sitting here talking to you. It's just like, wait the day? Yeah. Wow, wait a day to get these pictures? Yeah, it's just it can make all the difference. Maybe not in selling the house? Because in today's market, likely it's going to sell right. But just like you said, these could this could make a difference in a price increase. It can make but for sure. It's going to make a difference in the experience of the buyer and the seller. Absolutely.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah. Which is gonna lead to more referrals. All right. Yes. So do you want to invest $100 to get another 10,000 or 15 or 20,000? I'm Why not?

Ron Pippin:

That's a no brainer, right? It's like a total no brainer. Yeah, totally. So let's talk about you mentioned you do also do some videos. Let's talk about videos.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, so we do drone videos. knows, all of our pilots are FAA certified. So what that means is they study and they take a test to pass and get their licenses to fly their drones legally. We will not put a pilot in the field who does not have their FAA license. And one of the things that's great for us is we here in Ogden, and we do cover I own Salt Lake County, Davis and Weaver County. But my photographers will cover from Logan down to Provo and over into Park City. But especially here in Ogden, we have two airports, right? We have the Ogden airport. Totally, we have a hill Air Force Base. And so there's this five mile restricted airspace that we have a waiver for. So you've got a way we have a waiver. Nice, yeah. So we can fly. We do have to call the air traffic controllers and say, Hey, we are within our five miles. We're going to get ready to take off Is that okay? And they'll tell us yes or no or wait or, you know, k don't exceed this feet? Or, you know, sure. So we'll call and radio and we'll can get the pictures done. So we can get drone pictures done and drone videos done. Within that five mile radius. Now there is a small space that is for sure restricted that we cannot fly. There are no fly zones that we do not fly in. And that is just worth the integrity for us. We're not going to fly in a no fly zone. Sure. Yeah. So it is at a safety people who do that my let me get off my soapbox in a minute, but it's just irresponsible. She's irresponsible and selfish. It's not worth a sell to fly in a no fly zone. That's just dangerous.

Ron Pippin:

Well, it's not only it's not only dangerous, but it's illegal. Right? You don't want somebody come knocking on your door. Right? Yeah, because uniform people knocking on your door doesn't usually end well. Yeah, it doesn't usually. So yeah.

Aundrea DeMille:

So um, but yeah, so we'll do drone pictures. And again, just like we guarantee the blue skies, on the exteriors, we guarantee blue skies on the drone pictures. Were not Paramount, or MGM. So I can't guarantee blue skies on the drone videos. Sure, yeah. But we will on the drone photos. So yeah, we'll do 360 videos with the drone and flying over horse properties. Really, I encourage our clients that even if it's on a cul de sac, get a few drone pictures, you can do drone photos, and normal photos for about 130 to $150. And it really gives a different perspective where the potential buyer can see Oh, it's on a cul de sac. Oh, look at the yard, oh, we can put a playground here, we can put a pole there, oh, it backs up into a field or golf course or, you know. So I don't feel like drones should be reserved just for million dollar properties. But I again, add the adding that value that better experience to get more buyers in there. And then we'll also do Sneak Peek video. So we have a baby drone, a little spark that we'll use on the inside of the home, where we can fly through the home and just

Ron Pippin:

Yeah, that's cool!

Aundrea DeMille:

It's like maybe six inches. So we'll kind of fly it you know, especially if it's a big open space on some of your more open floor plans, we can fly just over like the living room to the kitchen. And then we'll take our cameras and pan left to right here and there and piece it all together for a good 90 or 90, but I could like 60 second video, it's a sneak peek. Literally the goal is just to show a little bit of the living room, kitchen dining master exterior to get people in. And this is a great way for agents to brand themselves as well, because we'll put their photos with their brokerage information. And their phone number everything at the end, they can put them on their own YouTube. They can use them in for marketing when they go on listing appointments. So it's a really we give them everything well, you'll get the embed codes, the links. But yeah, those are some of the other services that we offer.

Ron Pippin:

Yeah, drone videos are really amazing. I know. I personally know a good friend of mine, a realtor that also does drone videos. Yeah. And it's like night and day difference in the listing. So the drone videos just make a huge difference. Yeah. And in the again, and the overall experience. Both the buyer and the seller. Yeah. So yeah, that's really cool.

Aundrea DeMille:

And if you want to get that perfect pan in the video, that 360 pan, just set a point of interest on your drone. Yeah, yeah, that's better than trying to freehand and fly in a circle around the house. Okay,

Ron Pippin:

say that again. What do you do?

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, so set the point of interest on the drone and just let it do an orbit and it'll automatically do a perfect circle around the property and come back.

Ron Pippin:


Aundrea DeMille:

that's better than trying to fly it by hand in a perfect circle.

Ron Pippin:

Yeah. That's a great, tip. Yeah. That's a great tip. So okay, so we talked a little bit about, you talked a little bit about editing, so Okay, so we talked about merging these pictures together. Is there something that may be? I'm going to go back to the editing share a second? Sure. Is there something that may be those of us that can't don't have that ability to merge that? Obviously, that's the best way to do that. Yeah. But so is there's just some things that maybe somebody can do that if they just have some software that maybe can make that picture look a little bit better.

Aundrea DeMille:

So if you don't have the ability to do bracketing, and merge photos together, then you really want to make sure that your ISO, your insert of light is set at 100 and use a tripod. So then the photo is perfectly exposed. Even if it takes a whole minute to take that photo, it's going to be worth it in the end. This is where a tripod becomes really an absolutely you even I mean, hey, if you're going to use your cell phone, put on a tripod, they make tripod, cell phone holder,

Ron Pippin:

they do. If you buy a tripod today, almost all of them come with a Yeah, little cell phone holder, they do.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah. And so for sure the tip is putting it on a tripod. But in terms of editing, you can download, I'm not sure if you have to buy Lightroom or at least start with a free trial. So Lightroom is a very user friendly editing software. It's kind of like a baby step into Photoshop. So they're they're all owned by Adobe. But if you go into Lightroom, I'm trying to think you should be able to do this on your basic software that comes on your computer as well. But Lightroom would be better. If you're not going to spend $100 for pictures, then buy the software for 30. Is, but if you put it in Lightroom and then just adjust so just a tad bit of saturation. You know, you want to increase the brightness just a little increasing, obviously crop it and straighten it out, make sure it's nice and sharp, right. So those are some of the small tips that you can do without really going in and editing. That really makes it really pretty. So put it on a tripod, set the ISO for 100 to get it perfectly exposed as possible, upload it into Lightroom and just brighten it just a little add a little bit of saturation crop it and it should be a decent picture.

Ron Pippin:

Awesome. Oh my gosh. I don't even know where to go from here. I don't because I'm not a photographer. Yeah. And I thought I thought okay, well, I could probably talk a little bit about this, but I'm realizing how much I don't really know. Yeah. I'm just gonna ask, Is there anything else that that that, you know, we talked a little bit about staging, but I'm going to have your back. Yeah. And I think you mentioned somebody that you know, that does some of that. So I'm going to have if that's okay, yeah, I'm going to have you back. And we're going to continue this conversation on staging and, and some more on pictures and videos and how staging can really make a difference. Really? Yeah,

Aundrea DeMille:

let's do it. Well, let's, I'd love to come back. I think it's gonna be super fun. This is fun. It's informative. People need to know hey, you know, nothing against our DIYers. I am my dad, my husband total DIY guys. Yeah, you know, I'd love to do everything from scratch it Yeah, I can go bake bread, or make bread at home. And sometimes I buy the loaf but sometimes it's nice to do. You do it yourself. So all the power to you, Hopefully these tips will help them. But yeah, if you choose to create a better experience, you know, 360 Tour Designs is here to help we would love to come in you can schedule with us on 360 tour designs calm and just click schedule with us. It's a big green button, top right hand of the of the browser. But I would love to come back with my staging company and partner. They also service here in Utah, same area from about Logan down to Provo. They do a lot of work in Salt Lake. Awesome. And I think we can give a lot of tips for some of the small like, again, $200,000 homes, to staging tips, up to your million dollar properties when we bring in everything and you know,

Ron Pippin:

So, so they can get get hold of you on

Aundrea DeMille:

360tourdesigns with an S sorry,

Ron Pippin: Yes, there's our phone number.

Aundrea DeMille:

Yeah, so you can call our scheduler 385-288-0881 and my team will help you get scheduled. You can also send us an email at SLC admin at 360 tour as well.

Ron Pippin:

Awesome. So this has been really informative, and it's helped me and I'm sure it's going to be helping people, some realtors that are wanting to do some photos, but for sure, give Aundrea a call and set up some time to at least talk to her. Yeah.

Aundrea DeMille:

We're here to help.

Ron Pippin:

Yeah, because I think it just makes a big difference and having referrals that's just like, so last week, we had a guy on here that that name retuned, and his business is 100% referral. And that's what we all strive for, you know, and, and he's attained it. And this is just one of those steps to attain a referral based business. Yeah, totally give give Andre a call. And, again, if you want, just let just let us always if you want to get hold of me or my team, you can call us or text us at 801-628-7667. You can get hold of me at Ron at the Pippin. and we're hot. We're gonna have you guys back. All right, looking forward to it. Thank

Aundrea DeMille:

you so much.

Ron Pippin:

Thanks. And well talk to you again on agent versus lender.