Dreaming the Ancestors

Ancestral Herbalism & Folk Medicine ~ Sarah Corbett

Tara Wild Episode 6

In this episode, I'll be speaking with Sarah Corbett, who is a Clinical Herbalist and Plant Witch with a passion for the magic and medicine of nature. We'll be diving into the connection between our ancestors and plant allies, and also relating to plants as ancestors themselves. We'll also be sharing about why so many of our lineages have become disconnected from the magic and medicine of the plant world, and why returning to this earth-based wisdom is so healing and powerful in the modern world. Sarah will also share some of her favorite herbs and plants to work with and will give practice advice on how to work with plants in an ethically grounded way.

To receive Sarah's free gift - her ebook Echoes, a collection of herbal recipes for remembrance and personal healing - please join the Dreaming the Ancestors mailing list here: https://tara-wild.com/dreaming-the-ancestors/