Dreaming the Ancestors

The Wisdom of Women & Water ~ Dr. Karen Ward

Tara Brading Season 2 Episode 4

In this episode with Dr. Karen Ward, founder of Moon Mná, we talk about the sacred connection between women and water in the ancient Irish tradition.

There's a vital connection between women, water and flow which is encoded into our bodies. We flow with the menstrual cycle, connecting us to the cycles of Grandmother Moon who holds sway over the tides. We flow with the rhythms of our sexual fluids. We carry sacred womb waters that hold our beloved babies in utero.

These living connections are reflected back to us in nature. Lakes and wells are womblike in nature, representing the sacred waters of Great Mother, Mother Earth. The rivers are a flowing symbol of Life, just as the fluids flow from our sacred womb space. Within the Irish landscape, there are many bodies of water that carry the names of ancient goddesses and stories of the mythic feminine.

In this podcast episode, Karen and I dive into some of the sacred myths and traditions of Ireland that have connected women and water since time immemorial...a conversation that will awaken you to your own connection with the sacred waters.