ER Docs and Crucial Talks

Mentorship with Greg Fleming: From Cabrini to Coaching

Season 1 Episode 29

"We are going to use basketball, we are not going to let basketball use us."

This one will fascinate you as it did us.  Who do you mentor ... who are you mentored by?  One thing is absolutely certain as we go through tonight's discussion:  to have a great mentorship relationship you need great mutual accountability. 

Meet Greg Fleming: basketball
coach, entrepreneur, mentor, mentee.

Tonight we dive into mentorship and focus on the Mentorship between two fascinating individuals, Deepak Devaraj (episode 3 - space for authenticity) and Greg Fleming. 

The following links will best describe who these two guys are and how they came to know each other.  In brief, Greg was a child raised in the notorious Chicago Housing Association projects called Cabrini-Green, mostly known for its drugs, gangs, and violent crime.  Rather than succumb to this environment, and despite losing his own brother to gang violence, Greg overcame this in great part due to his wisdom and the mentorship established between him and Deepak when Greg was only in the 4th grade.

Tune in to a harrowing tale of success despite all the chips being stacked against him, and Greg's story will illuminate you.  As he says, you need a "why?" so big in life that it overcomes any "how?" Learn how his basketball coaching has risen to great ranks and how he mentors his athlete-students to do great things and stay away from things that would derail their success.


Check out the YouTube of this episode!

Articles about Greg and Deepak:


Roberto Clemente Community Academy


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Additionally any ideas or opinions expressed in the links above or by the guests on our show do not necessarily reflect our own personal or professional opinions, or the opinions of any organizations that we currently or formerly worked for or represented.  Thanks again for listening!

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