ER Docs and Crucial Talks

Cameron DeHaven of Sneaker Heartz: Journey from Demons to Donations

September 18, 2020 Raj Kalsi & Cullen Kehoe Season 1 Episode 5

Welcome back and thanks for listening!  Tonight we are pleased to have on a guest who is an inspiration to so many people.  Cameron DeHaven is a badass paramedic and the CEO/Founder of Sneaker Heartz, a charity he created and operates that gets sneakers and shoes of all sorts to those simply in need of them.  We get into some heavy topics on this episode, including alcohol addiction and recovery from addiction.  Cullen drives this interview and we discuss many important concepts like being a role model for those around even when you don't even know they are looking.  Visit Cam's website at

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Additionally, if you or anyone you know is suffering from any type of addiction, please get help or get them help, and you can consider the SAMSHA hotline (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) at 1-800-662-HELP or 1-800-662-4357.  Also visit for more information.

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Our intro and exit music is the intellectual genius of Cullen Kehoe.

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Ted Talk:  The Secret Sneaker Market and Why it Matters:

Jordan Peterson

Jocko Podcast


The statements made and opinions expressed during this podcast are our own personal statements and opinions and should not be construed as the statements or opinions of any entity or institution that we may have been employed by or affiliated with at any time in our professional lives.  Additionally, we take patient confidentiality incredibly seriously.  For that reason, any references to stories about patients have purposefully been modified so as to not identify any particular patient or location.  Finally, while we are both doctors, nothing that we say in this podcast should be construed as medical advice.  If you are in need of medical advice, please contact your personal physician.  Also, while we are doctors, we are not your doctors.  Please discuss anything we discuss medically with your doctor.  

Additionally any ideas or opinions expressed in the links above or by the guests on our show do not necessarily reflect our own personal or professional opinions, or the opinions of any organizations that we currently or formerly worked for or represented.  Thanks again for listening!

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