ER Docs and Crucial Talks

Man in the Arena - Part 1: It is Not the Critic Who Counts

September 29, 2020 Raj Kalsi & Cullen Kehoe Season 1 Episode 6

Welcome back!  Tonight we have a very special two part episode for you.  Cullen and Raj are going to discuss "Man in the Arena," a speech by Teddy Roosevelt that went on to become one of the greatest speeches of all time.  They discuss how it applies to our country's division right now and what we can practically do to bring our nation back together, one encounter at a time.  Bring your bourbon or your drink of choice, this will be an amazing discussion.  Thank you to our loyal and new followers and please leave a 5 star rating!!

Our intro and exit music is written and performed by Cullen Kehoe.

Link to the Man in the Arena Speech:


The statements made and opinions expressed during this podcast are our own personal statements and opinions and should not be construed as the statements or opinions of any entity or institution that we may have been employed by or affiliated with at any time in our professional lives.  Additionally, we take patient confidentiality incredibly seriously.  For that reason, any references to stories about patients have purposefully been modified so as to not identify any particular patient or location.  Finally, while we are both doctors, nothing that we say in this podcast should be construed as medical advice.  If you are in need of medical advice, please contact your personal physician.  Also, while we are doctors, we are not your doctors.  Please discuss anything we discuss medically with your doctor.  

Additionally any ideas or opinions expressed in the links above or by the guests on our show do not necessarily reflect our own personal or professional opinions, or the opinions of any organizations that we currently or formerly worked for or represented.  Thanks again for listening!

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