The Not Mini Adults Podcast - “Pioneers for Children’s Healthcare and Wellbeing”

Episode 14: INVESTING IN CHILD HEALTH with John Parker

Season 2 Episode 2

We have spent much of Season 1 talking about the importance and necessity to invest more into Children's Healthcare.  This week we talk to Founder and Principal of Boston-based Springhood Ventures, John Parker, who is doing just that! 

John founded Springhood to address the funding gap in child health innovation. Springhood provides critical early investment and support to companies developing important healthcare solutions for children. 

John has 25 years in the alternative investment industry together with over a decade of philanthropic experience and has create a new model using investment dollars to make a difference in the lives of children. 

In parallel to this role, he established and manages the program-related investment (PRI) initiative of the Charles H. Hood Foundation, a Boston-based private foundation that supports paediatric research, where he also serves as a trustee. 

Find out more about Springhood Ventures and John here.

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Theme Music - ‘Mountain’

copyright Lisa Fitzgibbon 2000
Written & performed by Lisa Fitzgibbon,
Violin Jane Griffiths

Podcast artwork thanks to The Podcast Design Experts