The EY Podcast

CEO Outlook: Building Trust and Purpose in the Irish Banking Sector, Eamonn Crowley, CEO Permanent TSB

EY Episode 7

Becoming CEO of a large, successful organisation is always a challenge, but taking on the role in the midst of a global pandemic is a very different proposition. However, successfully leading teams through adverse times is something in which Eamonn Crowley, the new CEO of Permanent TSB, has a lot of experience and expertise. 

His time as a trader during the Black Monday stock market crash was an early introduction to tough markets. Since then, Crowley has helped to navigate major organisations including AIB, AIG and Santander through recessions and economic booms alike. Now, he takes over at Permanent TSB at a time of great challenge but, characteristically, he can see clear opportunities for the bank for how it can further serve customers in the Irish market. 

In this episode of The EY CEO Outlook Podcast, Eamonn Crowley and host Richard Curran discuss a fascinating career in banking, the rapidly changing consumer landscape, and why trust lies at the heart of great leadership. After only months in the role, Permanent TSB’s new CEO is already putting his new customer-first strategy into action, including personally speaking to at least four of the bank’s customers every week. They also discuss:   

·        The Irish property market and the impact that COVID-19 has had on consumer behaviour

·        The evolution of technology in the financial sector

·        Lessons learned from the recent Tracker Mortgage controversy 

·        Why a clear focus on the customer is key to recovery 

·        His love of Liverpool FC, the leaders he admires the most, and the three pieces of advice he would give to other CEOs