Longitude Sound Bytes

103 Moving Beyond Earth's Orbit


A conversation with Julia Badger (Assistant Manager for the Vehicle Systems Manager) about the process of automation on Gateway. Presented by Longitude fellow Quint Smits.

See transcript. Visit our series page

As part of our Longitudes of Imagination theme, we are exploring the roles of individuals, technologies and research in ocean science and space technology. In this series, the fellows share highlights from their conversations with the members of NASA’s Gateway program. Gateway will be a small international space station that will be in orbit around the moon to support a lunar base and serve as a gateway for explorations beyond it. 

This podcast is a production of Longitude.site, a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization that empowers college students and recent graduates with experiences in leading conversations and presenting podcast episodes. If you would like to support/sponsor our programming, we would love to hear from you. Please visit our giving portal or write to us at podcast@longitude.site.

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