Longitude Sound Bytes

86 Edge of Space


As we continue exploring longitudes of imagination and roles of people who are bringing ideas to fruition, we blast off to the edge of space in our new series. Longitude fellows Jaena Kim (University of Ottawa), Blake Moya (University of Texas), Tony Zhou (Yale University), and Quint Smits (Tilburg University) share what is ahead in our Edge of Space series.

Our second series (episodes 86-91) under the Longitudes of Imagination theme is showcasing conversations with space technology engineers from IBM and a NASA microbiologist who is the principal investigator for the Genes in Space-3 project about the International Space Station. Tune in to hear what is possible through edge computing at Earth’s low-orbit and how imagination leads to new synergies that turn ideas into action.

See transcript. Visit our series page

This podcast is a production of Longitude.site, a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization that empowers college students and recent graduates with experiences in leading conversations with professionals and presenting takeaways digitally. Please visit our gift-giving portal if you would like to join in supporting our programming. We would be delighted to hear from you! 
We hope you enjoy our episodes and share them on your campuses as well as with your work colleagues, friends and family. It will help us grow our listenership. Thank you. 

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