Longitude Sound Bytes

87 Inventor Mindset


A conversation with award-winning IBM engineer Naeem Altaf, who is paving the way for next generation of space programmers by developing the Endurance CubeSat satellite. Longitude fellow Tony Zhou presents highlights from his conversation covering the complexity of space industry, the drive to understand the big picture, and curiosity as the source of the inventor mindset.

Our Edge of Space series (episodes 86-91) under the Longitudes of Imagination theme is showcasing conversations with space technology engineers from IBM and a NASA microbiologist who is the principal investigator for the Genes in Space-3 project about the International Space Station. Tune in to hear what is possible through edge computing at Earth’s low-orbit and how imagination leads to new synergies that turn ideas into action.

See transcript. Visit our series page

This podcast is a production of Longitude.site, a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization that empowers college students and recent graduates with experiences in leading conversations with professionals and presenting takeaways digitally. Please visit our gift-giving portal if you would like to join in supporting our programming. We would be delighted to hear from you! 
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