The Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing
The Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing
Jennifer Davis & Dawn Peta (Spring 2021). What's in a BP: Do you Follow the MAP?
Article: https://cjen.ca/index.php/cjen/article/view/35
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29173/cjen35
Jennifer Davis
Dawn Peta
The purpose of this case study is to help determine if emergency nursing education should include a focus on mean arterial pressure (MAP) and Pulse Pressure (PP) as part of their regular curriculum. We also considered if monitoring and trending BP, MAP and PP in patients who present with symptoms that may indicate a pulmonary and/or cardiac complaint, along with abnormal vital signs or abnormal lab values, would result in more timely intervention. Through this case study we hope to show that trending MAP may help identify early hypovolemic shock, severe sepsis and other significant life threatening conditions.
Keywords: MAP, aortic injury, AAA, thoracic aneurysm, emergency nursing