Honens Piano Podcast

Meet the Quarterfinalists: Dmitry Yudin performs Mendelssohn and Lyapunov

February 17, 2022 Honens International Piano Competition

This week, we are pleased to share two miniatures from Russian pianist and 2022 Honens Quarterfinalist Dmitry Yudin. The first piece is a familiar work by Mendelssohn, transcribed by Rachmaninov, and the second is a work by the less well-known early 20th century composer Sergei Lyapunov.

These two pieces are ones Dmitry never tires of playing. He says each has "its own unique character: a mysterious, elegant, and ironic scherzo, and a very temperamental and virtuosic Russian dance, the Lezghinka."

Let's listen.


Watch the video edition of this excerpt here