Honens Piano Podcast

Honens @ Home: Nicolas Namoradze's Compositions

Honens International Piano Competition

Welcome back to Honens @ Home.

This week we are pleased to feature four of 2018 Honens Prize Laureate Nicolas Namoradze's own compositions. First, enjoy Moon, Refracted, Nicolas' own arrangement of Rentarō Taki's famous Japanese song, Kojo no Tsuki (The Moon Over the Ruined Castle). Then, you'll hear Nicolas' first three Etudes—Major Scales, Mostly Triads, and Moving Mirrors—performed live at the 2018 Honens International Piano Competition.

As you'll hear from Honens Artistic Director Jon Kimura Parker, scores for Nicolas' compositions in this excerpt (and more!) are now available for purchase through the highly-respected Japanese publishing company, Muse Press


Watch the video edition of this excerpt at honens.com/home.