The Bright Morning Podcast with Elena Aguilar

Unpacking: Creating Boundaries with Cultural Humility

Elena Aguilar

This is a different type of episode, one where we unpack a coaching conversation. If you listened in on Monday, you know Elena coached a white leader around working across lines of racial difference, specifically around where to draw a line in cross-racial relationships when behavior has become problematic. 

It is possible to create boundaries with cultural competence and humility, yet too often that doesn’t happen. Oftentimes the approach skews to dominance or things running amok. Both of these are failures of leadership. In this episode, Elena and her Bright Morning teammate LesLee Bickford dive into the challenge of white leaders striving to work against white supremacy culture while still providing the leadership needed to run healthy teams where everyone is able to thrive. 

Listen in to explore what matters most in these complex and critical situations and hear an example of what it might sound like to open up the conversation with your teammate when you are expressing your concerns. 

Full show notes, including everything mentioned on the show can be found here.

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Mentioned in This Episode
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The Art of Coaching Teams (book by Elena)

Continued Learning
Coaching for Equity
The Art of Coaching Teams