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Vol. 2 "I hate to impress all the time" behind the scene of a music genius - Tom Ibarra

June 07, 2020 Ash Zhou Season 1 Episode 2

Tom Ibarra is a young French composer and guitarist of Jazz with instrumental pop and electro influences. He was born on October 03, 1999, in the south of France.

For years now, he has been performing with his band in beautiful festivals in France but also in China, Azerbaïdjan, Lithuania, Georgia, Spain, England, Germany, Italy, Norway, Ukraine...

He is occasionally invited to share the stage with artists of international renown, as in 2015 with Didier Lockwood and Sylvain Luc, in 2016 and 2018 with Marcus Miller or and Richard Bona at the NAMM 2017 showcase in L.A.

Noticed at a very young age for his virtuosity and his rich and dynamic tunes, but also for his melodic lines, he regularly wins prizes when he participates in Jazz Talent contests. SACEM prize in 2013 and in 2014, Special Jury Prize of Jazz au Phare in 2015, Young Talent Action Jazz prize in Bordeaux in 2016, Rives & Notes Prizes in Oloron Sainte Marie in 2017…

Since December 2017, Tom is the first winner of the prestigious international Letter One Rising Stars Jazz Award.

For some years already, Tom has been the youngest talent to be endorsed by the prestigious Ibanez Guitars International, by the DV Mark Amp, and since 2019 he is endorsed by SAVAREZ strings.

After an album named "15" because released at the age of 15, and a second album named "SPARKLING", released early 2018, which received a very good press review and was awarded a "revelation album" by Jazz Magazine, Tom’s third album will be recorded at the end of this year and release in March 2020.

Tom Ibarra,1999年出生于法国南部圣特罗佩旁边的一个小城,6岁便展现惊人音乐天赋,无师自通开始弹奏吉他,11岁开始作曲,15岁发行首张原创专辑《15》,大获成功。今年刚刚19岁的他,创作演奏风格集流行,摇滚,爵士为一身,被誉为 “爵士天才吉他少年”。 去年推出新专辑《Sparkling》尝试全新风格,继而被邀在欧洲各地及世界主要城市巡演,近年更与国际顶级爵士音乐家Marcus Miller,Didier Lockwood, Sylvain Luc等同台献艺,目前最新专辑正在录制中,将于2020年初发布。

9月中旬在JZ上海国际爵士音乐节,我第一次在after party现场人肉见到了Tom,面庞清秀俊俏,害羞少言的他,现场表现却惊人的细腻唯美同时不失张力,于我算是惊鸿一瞥,立刻深深喜爱上了这个灵气逼人的南法少年。次日下午我和睡眼惺忪的Tom在他居住的酒店露台,顶着夏末初秋的日光,就着两杯double espresso,和头顶不时飞过的飞机轰鸣声,展开了一次有关音乐表达,“天才”名号,有关少年叛逆,个人成长的灵魂对话。

· Timeline ·


Early life music stories, how the album ‘Sparkling’ was born


Music and personal evolvement since ‘Sparkling'


“I can be really shy and unconfident privately” 


Blending different genres of music to shape a unique style in music expressions


A forced 'Coffee Break'


The hidden rebel: angry towards having to ‘impress all the time’


Prefer to be a ‘secret leader’ over center of attention in his band


What has jazz career brought to his life so far?


Jazz in different cultures - China, Japan, etc?


U.S isn’t the only country providing great Jazz musicians


If not music, what would it be?


Advice from a young man to the youngsters in China

· Authorized Soundtracks ·

Tom Ibarra - Sparkling - Colors

Tom Ibarra - Sparkling - Aurore

Tom Ibarra - Sparkling - Slap

Tom Ibarra - Sparkling - Green Monkey

· Guest Info ·

Tom Ibarra

· Team ·

Ideation | Interview | Editing :Ash

Assistant Editor:Cynthia

Photo Credit: Tom Ibarra 2019 ©Thierry Dubuc

Special Thanks: Cecilia 沙

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