The Wheel

Spoke 106 Lammas/Lughnasad and Spirit of the Corn with Melanie Lorien

Two Kentish Witches Season 3 Episode 106

This week Jenny and Hazel reflect on Lammas or Lughnasad and our special guest is Melanie Lorien a magical heritage straw worker.

Lammas/Lughnasadh Rites & Rituals by Patti Wigington

Melanie's book recommendations
Astrology - A Spiritual Approach to Astrology, by Myrna Loftus
Tarot: Rachel Pollack - 78 Degrees of Wisdom, A book of Tarot.
Goddess Obscured - Transformation of the Grain Protectress from Goddess to Saint', by Pamela Berger
Terry Pratchett - The Tiffany Aching series of 5 books. 'The Wee Free Men', 'A Hat Full of Sky', 'Wintersmith', 'I Shall Wear Midnight' and 'The Shepherd's Crown'.

Melanie's website