The Wheel

Spoke 114 Witchcraft & Royal Connections

November 20, 2022 Two Kentish Witches Season 3 Episode 114

This week Hazel and Jenny talk about the connection between Royalty and Witchcraft. In particular, Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester and Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of England and wife of Edward IV.

Episode 148: Predictable — Lore (

The Duchess' Downfall: Eleanor Cobham - Madame Guillotine

Royals and witchcraft: Eleanor Cobham – Royal Central 

The History Press | Ask the author: Gemma Hollman on Royal Witches » 1441: Margery Jourdemayne, the Witch of Eye

Jacquetta Woodville and Witchcraft by Susan Higginbotham

Medieval royal witches: from Elizabeth Woodville to Queen Joan of Navarre by Gemma Hollman

Elizabeth Woodville: Edward IV’s controversial queen consort by Sarah Gristwood