Finding Your Heart

Thrive In Purpose with Dr. Charity Campbell

August 26, 2022 rhondalive Season 3 Episode 70
Thrive In Purpose with Dr. Charity Campbell
Finding Your Heart
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Finding Your Heart
Thrive In Purpose with Dr. Charity Campbell
Aug 26, 2022 Season 3 Episode 70

We are so excited to welcome Dr. Charity C. Campbell this month for this special episode of "Thrive In Purpose". It is so important to not only know who you are but began to live and walk in who God says you are! 

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Learn More about Dr. Campbell! 

She is a Doctor of Management and a digital organization development and leadership specialist. She works with organizations to help them develop the necessary structures, processes, and protocols needed to succeed in the digital age.

Dr. Campbell helps leaders understand and embrace the changes that are happening in the workplace, and develop the skills they need to lead their teams into the future. Dr. Campbell is also an international speaker, having presented at international conferences and seminars both online and offline.

As a Digital Branding and Marketing Consultant, Dr. Campbell has over thirteen years of experience in brand communication, content creation, marketing, web and graphic designs, social media management, and SEO (search engine optimization). Her passion for helping clients communicate and connect with their target market is shown in her ability to deliver results.

Dr. Campbell has helped clients from more than 30 countries create memorable and aspirational brands that resonate with their target market. Bridging the gap between traditional branding and marketing and new media campaigns, Campbellโ€™s expertise has resulted in a diverse set of experiences for her clients.
Dr. Campbell's motto on leadership is that "leadership is not a rank it's an approach!"

    About Dr. C
Millennial Global Leader Digital OD & Leadership StrategistTM
Dr. Charity C. Campbell, DM, RODC (Dr. C) is a doctor of management, world-class millennial global leader, multi-passionate entrepreneur, academic professional, international speaker, and mentor.
Now as the digital OD and leadership specialist for millennial ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘ , Dr. C helps fellow millennial multi- passionate ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘  go from clutter to clarity, improve communication skills, and harness their greatest potential without losing balance.

Weekly Podcast
If you were born between 1980-1999 and you believe that you are a leader or have leadership potential, then this podcast is for you!
Join Dr. Campbell as she empowers the next generation of leaders to be transformational leaders and better role models for the future leaders to come.

Multipassionate Entreleader

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Show Notes

We are so excited to welcome Dr. Charity C. Campbell this month for this special episode of "Thrive In Purpose". It is so important to not only know who you are but began to live and walk in who God says you are! 

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Learn More about Dr. Campbell! 

She is a Doctor of Management and a digital organization development and leadership specialist. She works with organizations to help them develop the necessary structures, processes, and protocols needed to succeed in the digital age.

Dr. Campbell helps leaders understand and embrace the changes that are happening in the workplace, and develop the skills they need to lead their teams into the future. Dr. Campbell is also an international speaker, having presented at international conferences and seminars both online and offline.

As a Digital Branding and Marketing Consultant, Dr. Campbell has over thirteen years of experience in brand communication, content creation, marketing, web and graphic designs, social media management, and SEO (search engine optimization). Her passion for helping clients communicate and connect with their target market is shown in her ability to deliver results.

Dr. Campbell has helped clients from more than 30 countries create memorable and aspirational brands that resonate with their target market. Bridging the gap between traditional branding and marketing and new media campaigns, Campbellโ€™s expertise has resulted in a diverse set of experiences for her clients.
Dr. Campbell's motto on leadership is that "leadership is not a rank it's an approach!"

    About Dr. C
Millennial Global Leader Digital OD & Leadership StrategistTM
Dr. Charity C. Campbell, DM, RODC (Dr. C) is a doctor of management, world-class millennial global leader, multi-passionate entrepreneur, academic professional, international speaker, and mentor.
Now as the digital OD and leadership specialist for millennial ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘ , Dr. C helps fellow millennial multi- passionate ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘  go from clutter to clarity, improve communication skills, and harness their greatest potential without losing balance.

Weekly Podcast
If you were born between 1980-1999 and you believe that you are a leader or have leadership potential, then this podcast is for you!
Join Dr. Campbell as she empowers the next generation of leaders to be transformational leaders and better role models for the future leaders to come.

Multipassionate Entreleader

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