On The Line

Discussion About Injures We Have Faced As Dancers With Annabelle Hoeft


This week Addison invites her friend Annabelle Hoeft to come on the podcast for the third time! They talk about their experiences with injures, injury prevention and recovery.

Sources we used: https://www.webmd.com/men/features/seven-most-common-sports-injuries

*Disclaimer* we are not doctors. This is purely what we have learned throughout our years as dancers and through our experiences with injures. If you are hurt please go to a doctor. We are giving very general advice that might not work for you.

Follow Annabelle: https://www.instagram.com/annabellehoeft/
Follow On The Line: https://www.instagram.com/on_the_line_addison/
Follow Addison:  https://www.instagram.com/addi.wong/