Don't Die Before You're Dead

The Hardest Part is Making the Decision

Merri Macartney

"The airplanes are coming to bomb us!" This was something that Mara Aalipour would hear as a young child in her country of Iran. Growing up in the Iranian culture provided for her experiences not often had by others. After becoming a chemical engineer, working long hard hours and raising a toddler, she suffered what her doctors called self immune condition.
While Mara suffered extreme pain in her joints and some days barley able to lift herself from her chair, doctors could not find the cause. It seemed as though the extreme stressors on her life were largely to blame.
Mara, with her husband and son, did what many would consider unthinkable. She left her position with her family business, packed up and moved to Canada to begin a brand new life. While friends wondered why on earth she would start over like that, Mara discovered through much self introspection how to become well and end the suffering. 
Hear her tell her story and be amazed at the intestinal fortitude she mustered to become well.