Don't Die Before You're Dead

Chain Smoking Couch Potato No More

Merri Macartney Season 2 Episode 2

Shawn Tegtmeier has an amazing life story. As she tells it, you can't help but admire how she made a major life change one step at a time. Shawn's life now as a personal trainer and accomplished marathoner, is the end result of her asking the question, "Is that all there is?" 
The author of the book Running with Walt tells of how she made the journey. It tells of where she began barely being able to run to the end of her street to doing marathons. 
And that is only one part of her transformation. Shawn worked at her day job and took studies on the side to move forward in her career. It didn't occur to her at first that she would change from being an office worker to personal trainer.
Hear how she is no longer the self professed  "chain smoking couch potato". Listen to her "can do" attitude and get inspired.