Don't Die Before You're Dead

Steps to Stop the Silence - Part 2

March 03, 2021 Merri Macartney Season 2 Episode 9

The last episode introduced us to Neil Dunsmore who challenged himself to walk the 531 kilometers from his home to Ottawa. 
He shared with us the details about why he felt called to do this and then how he went about training for such a vigorous endeavor.
Twenty-two days in September 2020, Neil walked. In this episode he tells of the times when he felt almost defeated and wanted to call it a day. However, just when he felt he had pushed himself as far as he could, someone would come along side, or call him to say that they were cheering his on.
The stories he tells in true Neil Dunsmore fashion will inspire and awe you. It is very clear that he was in the right place at the right time when he was able to do a suicide intervention - and that was over the ocean in Scotland. 
It isn't just a walking journey but rather a life changing journey. You have to hear this