Don't Die Before You're Dead

Things Had to Change and It's OK

June 18, 2021 Merri Macartney Season 2 Episode 21

This was to be the summer of Don't Die Before You're Dead tour. Due to Covid many things changed as did my tour.
No longer was I able to secure sponsorship or speaking engagements or book signing events. So much uncertainty left us all unable to make those kinds of decisions. No one knew where we would be at any given time or what we'd be able to do.
So instead of this summer being my 6 month tour, it is now a shorter length of time and not all of Canada. My mini-van still got converted thanks to my son Robb. I still hit the road only now I have changed the focus to being a practice run for next year. Things had to change and that is OK.
I am still excited and looking to live my life fully in spite of having to make these changes.  It is just fine to be flexible and know that making a change isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it is the only thing.
Next summer I will be out there doing what I set out to do this year. And I'll be even more ready.