Don't Die Before You're Dead

Where Is Time on Your Priority List?

Merri Macartney Season 2 Episode 24

It has been a while since my last podcase... kind of sounds like a confession doesn't it?  There are many reasons why and I would have to admit that some of them are really just excuses. I have missed doing them and I have thought more about them  since taking the unintentional break.
To me, our use of time is so critical. I have taught many time management workshops as well as procrastination - Slay the Procrastination Dragon one of my most frequently requested.
And yet I still struggle myself. Maybe that is why my workshops go so well; I am one of the people and we can look at steps together on how to make changes.
In this podcast I deal with the value of time and use a quote by Mark Levy. However, I did cover a couple of examples he did not. Perhaps these could be something you'd use to help you remember to put time - or the use of it - high on your priority list.
No matter how we look at it, time is a non-renewable resource and limited at that. How will you use yours?