Don't Die Before You're Dead

T'is the Season; T'is the Time

Merri Macartney Season 2 Episode 28

Now is the time of year when we become more engaged in self reflection.  We know that a brand new year is imminent and we give a thought or two to new year's resolutions.  Even if we don't believe in them, we can't help but let them cross our minds if only to scoff at them.
Many days in the year go by with nary  a thought to how our lives are shaping up. And yet when we see the all too familiar marker of time marching past, we pause to reflect.
Or at least I hope we do.
Ask some elderly folks who have become experts at looking back on their lives and they will often tell you that they don't regret the things they did, but rather the things they didn't do.
If only they had used their time in reflection to create plans for a new direction.
Is this you? Listen as I share some strategies that have worked for me. 
Then dare to live the life you are meant to live.