65 And Counting

S1E44 Poking around the Covid-19 Vaccine...

American Retirement Advisors Season 1 Episode 44

By now you've probably felt a few pokes from the Covid-19 vaccine, but what exactly is it? And how does Medicare cover it?
Join host Adam Frye on this episode of 65 and Counting as he "pokes around" the vaccine and Medicare in simple terms.

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Email: Adam@AmericanRetire.com


Did you get a couple pokes in the arm yet? I think it’s finally time we talk about something that’s on everybody's mind! We’re talking about the COVID-19 Vaccine this week on 65 and Counting!


Welcome back everyone! Last month Tammy had a great article in the American Retirement Advisor Newsletter about the COVID- 19 Vaccine. We got a lot of great feedback from our clients, so I thought it worthwhile to share again. I’ll include a link to that article in the description of the episode, but let’s take a closer look.

Now one question I know is on everyone’s mind, because i’ve taken plenty of phone calls regarding it is: Will my plan cover the vaccine? The answer is YES. Original Medicare with a Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans will cover the vaccine 100%. So if you’ve decided to get vaccinated, don’t worry about having to pay for it! 

Now, I enjoyed biology class just as much as everyone else in school, but MAN, all this information about mRNA and viral immunity gets my head spinning. As a nation, we’ve all really had to become students in virology over the last year! Tammy’s article was so helpful in getting a better understanding of what’s going on in that little vaccine. 

So here is what we learned:

unlike other vaccines out there, the Moderna and Pfizer shots don’t actually even include the virus! They use Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (say that three times fast!) or mRNA. 

When a virus enters your body it will attach itself to one of your cells and inject it’s DNA or RNA into it and that’s like a blueprint for the body to start replicating that virus inside you! 

Your body has a system in place to attack that virus and start making you feel better! It’s your immune system! And as you age, it gets weaker. That’s why the virus is so dangerous for all our friends on Medicare! 

This is where the mRNA come’s in. The “Messenger” RNA delivers a new blueprint to your cells to start making the spikes that are attached to the COVID-19 Virus (but aren’t really COVID-19) so your immune system knows how to fight off the real COVID if it ever comes knocking on your cells doors! 

These vaccines have an effectiveness of around 94-95% depending on which one you use. Remember, this vaccine was fast tracked through the FDA process so we don’t have any long term studies on how this will affect our bodies later on, but there’s a whole lot of research going on around mRNA vaccines right now! 

Now remember folks, i’m no doctor and i’m certainly not a scientist, but I do my research and so did Tammy! In the description of the episode i’ll include sources for all the information we discussed today.

That’s a whole lot of information. This should help when making a decision on whether or not you’ll get that vaccine everyone’s talking about. 

Remember, you should always talk to your doctor first when making this decision!

I hope you enjoyed the episode! Make sure you click the little bell so you get notified when we post a new episode! Don’t forget to like the video, follow our page, and share with all your friends! But most importantly, have a great week!!