65 And Counting

S1E62 Sink Your Teeth into Free Meals!

August 09, 2021 American Retirement Advisors Season 1 Episode 62

Just get home from surgery and need help with meals? Some Medicare plans can deliver a tasty solution.

Adam will go over which plans include this helpful benefit in this week’s episode of 65 and Counting. 

Important information:

Workshop Schedule and Registration: www.123EasyMedicare.com

Call the office: 602-281-3898

Email Adam: Adam@AmericanRetire.com

Hate cooking after a big surgery? Need some help eating healthier? Sink your teeth into this week's episode, where we’ll feed our brains with all sorts of information about your options when it comes to meal delivery!

Welcome back, everyone! Today we’ll cover another one of those fun bells and whistles that some plans in the Medicare world come with! Those commercials you see on TV and those ads that show up in your mailbox try their best to entice you to join their Medicare plans. We’ve covered some of the other benefits of those ad’s display, here on the show like Gym membership and transportation. But what do they mean when they talk about giving you a “free lunch”!?

Let’s talk about it.

We’re gonna break it down like we always do! By talking about what Original Medicare, that’s your Part A and Part B by themselves do. And when it comes to meal deliveries, not much of anything at all. Original Medicare doesn’t pay for meal delivery services. Medicare Part B typically does not include home-delivered meals or personal care as part of its home health service coverage. And if it’s not on Original Medicare you can pretty well bet it’s not going to be something your Medigap or Prescription Drug Plan will cover either! So that leaves us with another option.

There are some Medicare Advantage Plans that may cover meal delivery service and transportation for nonmedical needs like getting your groceries!

So, Medicare Advantage plans are allowed to extend coverage for certain services that will help prevent or treat an illness or injury, keep you away from emergency rooms, help you deal with something that might be keeping you from completing ordinary activities, or help with any of the psychological effects of your impairments! So in other words, you most likely will still need to qualify in order to use a benefit like this.

The most common way we see this benefit used is after a big surgery! Let's say you have a procedure is done that limits your ability to move around the house, let alone cook up some carne asada for taco Tuesday!!! The meal plan benefit is designed to deliver prepared or easy to prepare meals up to a certain amount per day, for typically 1-2 weeks post-surgery! That way you can rest, catch up on the newest season of your favorite show, and not have to worry about the cooking or cleaning! 

So how do you know if this is something your plan has? Well, I know a team of Certified Medicare Planners standing by and waiting to help. I’ll include the phone number in the description of the episode! And if it’s something you don’t have, but want, I have good news for you! This year's Annual Election Period or AEP is RIGHT around the corner. If you think you may want to take a look at plans for 2022 that cover this benefit, we can help with that too! Just give us a call. 

Thanks so much for tuning in this week! I hope you feel more comfortable in your knowledge of those “at home” meal deliveries you see in Medicare commercials and ads! Don’t forget to give our video a little thumbs-up, follow our page so you get notified when new episodes come out and share them with all your friends. But most importantly, have a great week!