Transformations Recovery

Becky Wreck

January 13, 2020 Transformations Care Residential Detox, Roman Cooper, Sam McBride, Anna Lii Season 1 Episode 8

In episode 8 Roman and Cecily Cooper go backstage at LA’s House of Machines to interview infamous punk rock drummer Becky Wreck. Becky talks about how her work in sobriety revealed that gender inequality was the true source of her anger and drug use. She also professes her love for her current band Dirty Cakes and reminisces on her time drumming in the bands Lunachicks, La Muerte, and Clown Alley.


“Now that I know what it’s like to be sober, hey you know, I like myself now. I didn’t not like me because I was a woman, but I thought that was why I couldn’t be whoever I wanted to be.”