1N5 of Us: Changing the Mental Health Landscape

1,000 Solutions - Introduction

April 03, 2021

Today, we are excited to introduce a 5 episode series podcast, 1000 solutions, created by members of the Youth Council for Suicide Prevention (YCSP).  The YCSP is jointly facilitated by 1N5 and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The goal of the podcast is to normalize therapy while educating individuals on the various coping strategies you can employ to optimize your own well-being. In this episode, we hear a little about Diya and Juila’s mental health journeys and why they decided to join the YCSP.  We hope you enjoy!  

The Youth Council for Suicide Prevention was initiated in 2013 by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Emergency Department to address the need for continued attention to suicide prevention in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since then, approximately 100 youth have served on the council. In 2018, the YCSP began working in conjunction with 1N5.  YCSP values the voice of young people and aims to empower youth to address an issue that has a profound effect on them. Members are recruited from area schools and most members have dealt with suicide first-hand through family, friends, or their own attempts. Since its foundation, YCSP has contributed to the work of CCHMC in a variety of ways.

Youth Council for Suicide Prevention
Psychology Today - Find a Therapist
MindPeace Search for Provider (Cincinnati area specific)
CDC Stats on Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness  

Find 1N5 on social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/1N5.org.stopthestigma/
Instagram: @1n5.org.stopthestigma/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/1N5_org

Find YCSP on social media:
Instagram: @cincyycsp
Twitter: @cincyycsp 

National Resources: You don’t have to be in a crisis to talk with someone. 

National Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1- 800-273-TALK (8255)
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to 741741
The Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 mental health support via text message. Crisis Counselors bring texters “from a hot moment to a cool calm” using techniques in empathetic listening. Once they’ve built rapport and trust, explored the issues, and established the texter’s goal, they collaboratively problem-solve to help the texter come up with a plan to stay safe. Texting in will not appear on your bill if you have AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon as your cell phone carrier.