FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH with Blake Melnick

Gotta Hit; Need a Group

Blake Melnick Season 3 Episode 16

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This week on #TheSpaceinBetween, another #MomentinTime from #TomLocke's new book by the same name. In this episode Tom pays tribute to Bubble Gum music with a 1969 hit single.

According to an early 1969 article in #Cashbox Magazine, a Welsh newspaper called #MiningNews had mentioned the hard rock music of a group of coal miners who would dig by day and play rock and roll by night. The story goes that a London, England club owner rushed to Wales and descended at 18,000 feet beneath the surface to sign the group ...quite a story

...and stayed tuned at the end of the episode for a trailer for the next episode of #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, called #TruthRegenerationandIndigenousWaysofKnowing ...For What it's Worth

Click HERE for the blog post for this episode

Click HERE to download Music Man Part 1
Click HERE to download Music Man Part 2

Click HERE to purchase a signed copy of Moments in Time at a special price

We have been featuring excerpts from Tom's book on #TheSpaceinBetween and we have been running a little music trivia contest for our listeners. Winners will be placed in a draw to win a signed copy of Tom's book. You can find out more and participate by joining our For What it’s Worth - the Podcast Series Facebook page ...For what it's worth.

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"Resting Place"  is written and performed by our current artist in residence, #HeatherGemmell. You can find out more about Heather by visiting our show blog and by listening to our 2 part interview with Heather.

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Got a Hit; Need a Group - The Space in between

[00:00:00] Blake Melnick: Well, welcome to this week's episode of the space in between called Gotta Hit, Now Need a Group.

[00:00:36] I'm your host Blake Melnick with another moment in time from Tom lock's great new book of the same name.

[00:00:43] The term bubblegum music was claimed by producers, Jerry Kasenetz and Jeffrey Katz. They claimed it stemmed from their business discussions about their target audience teenagers. 

[00:00:55] It was a genre of music that appeared on the billboard charts in the late sixties and [00:01:00] seventies, the defining characteristics were simple guitar chords, repetitive sing along choruses, upbeat lyrics and dance oriented melodies. They also tended to have an underlying romantic tone.

[00:01:14] According to an early 1969 article in Cashbox

[00:01:18] a Welsh newspaper called Mining News had mentioned the hard rock music of a group of coal miners who would dig by day and play rock and roll by night. The story goes that a London, England club owner rushed to Wales and descended at 18,000 feet beneath the surface to sign the group. 

[00:01:37] Quite as story, especially since the Cashbox article was a complete fabrication, a publicity stunt, and one that came to pass after a group of American studio musicians, got together in March of 1969 to produce what turned out to be a hit record, a one hit wonder.

[00:01:56] With Robert Spencer, former member of the RNB group, the [00:02:00] Cadillac's singing lead and Joey Levine of Ohio express and reunion fame on backup vocals. The song reached number 12 on the billboard hot 100 and was popular at clubs and parties throughout the U S and Canada. 

[00:02:15] A touring group was later form to meet the demand for public appearances. These bubblegum and coal miners were known as Crazy Elephant. a, group that brought teenagers to their feet with a hard driving beat of Gimme, Gimme, good Lov'n. Let's scan the code in Tom's book and give it a listen

[00:02:37] [00:03:00] [00:04:00] That was gimme, gimme good Levin by crazy elephant. Sounds a lot like the intro to Mony, Mony by Billy Idol. This concludes this week's episode of the space in between called God. I hit need a group from Tom locks, interactive [00:05:00] musical extravaganza called moments in time. And if you haven't had a chance to check out my two-part interview with Tom called music, man, there are links provided in this week.

[00:05:09] Show notes. And if you're interested in purchasing a limited signed copy of Tom's book, you can find the link on our show. Facebook page. For what it's worth the podcast series. We're going to shift directions a bit as we move to conclude season three of the show.

[00:05:27] In 2021, we were all made aware of the discovery of mass graves at the site of the former Kamloops Indian residential school. The discovery was made possible through the use of advanced ground radar technology. An estimated 215 remains of children were discovered. The discovery prompted global shock and outrage.

[00:05:50] And much of this anger was directed at the federal government and the Catholic church who the public felt were complicit in hiding the truth about residential schools. [00:06:00] On Friday, April 1st, 2022, the Pope made a historic public apology acknowledging the role of the church in the atrocities, which occurred at the residential schools.

[00:06:13] I wanted to say to you with all my heart, I am very sorry. Pope Francis said, and I joined my brothers, the Canadian bishops and asking for your pardon. Many first nations leaders and survivors of the residential school system felt uplifted by the apology. Grand chief steward Philip, president of the BC Indian chiefs stated that Friday's events made it a great day for all Canadians.

[00:06:39] Saying all the issues of anger, guilt, resentment, and shame. Now have a chance to be dealt with through the apology and forgiveness. Today is a day for celebration. Phillip said, I think that the apology and what that represents is an opportunity for all Canadians to begin to know and [00:07:00] understand we are truly family.

[00:07:02] We are in this together and we need to lift each other up, hold each other up and create a better future for our children and grandchildren. However many survivors said the apology didn't go far enough and must be followed by action to help intergenerational survivors of the residential school system.

[00:07:21] The Truth and Reconciliation committee was established in 2008 and ran until 2015. It was organized by the parties of the Indian residential school settlement agreement. Their mandate was to inform all Canadians about what happened in residential schools. The Truth and Reconciliation Committee documented the truth of survivors, their families, communities, and anyone personally affected by the residential school experience.

[00:07:52] The truth and reconciliation approach is a form of restorative justice. Restorative justice aims to [00:08:00] heal relationships between offenders, victims and the community in which an offense takes place. But what does this all mean? What concrete steps do we take as individuals? And as a nation, it is common for us all to hear in advance of every public event.

[00:08:18] The acknowledgement that we sit on unseeded land of first nations. Is this acknowledgement. enough?. How do we begin the healing process within the first nations communities themselves?, we can't change the past, but we can help shape the future. As someone who has devoted his career to education and knowledge, I was particularly taken by the following part of Pope Francis addressed to the first nation leaders. First, you care for the land, which you see, not as a resource to be exploited, but as a gift of heaven. For you, the land preserves the memory of your [00:09:00] ancestors who rest there.

[00:09:02] It is a vital setting, making it possible to see each individual's life as part of a greater web of relationships with the creator, with the human community, with all living species and with the earth, our common home. All this leads you to seek interior and exterior harmony to show great love for the family and to possess a lively sense of community.

[00:09:27] Then too, there are the particular riches of your languages, your cultures, your traditions, and your forms of art. These represent a patrimony that belongs not only to you, but to all of humanity for they are expressions of our common humanity.

[00:09:45] Pope Francis is recognizing the value and importance of community achieved through the preservation and transfer of knowledge. And know-how, that's captured within cultural rituals, stories, [00:10:00] theater, music, natural health remedies, food and conversation with elders.

[00:10:06] My next guest on for what it's worth is a member of the Micmac band

[00:10:10] his recent desire to probe more deeply into his indigenous heritage has resulted in a remarkable personal journey of self discovery, healing, and the desire for Praxis to make tacit knowledge explicit through action. To begin the healing process and foster regeneration amongst first nation communities across this country.

[00:10:35] Lee Jay Bamberry: we work with a word called Praxis. Praxis, goes beyond practice like, you can practice on your guitar and then put the guitar down and then that's, as far as it'll ever go, or you can write in your book and the book stays on the shelf and it doesn't go any further.

[00:10:49] Whereas practice is when we practice for the point , of performance or writing for the purpose of publishing. So there's gotta be. And result of this [00:11:00] work. We go into communities, we pulled together a collective creation, and then we present that collective creation, to the community.

[00:11:08] And it doesn't end there. Then we just take that, collective creation, the story, this multimedia story. And we perform it down the road to, neighboring community, , and then to their neighboring community. And then those communities are wow. Is that what you do with the senior youth and young adults?

[00:11:23] Can you do that with ours? We have a story to tell, and then we create these exchanges between communities. So it really is story central and community building, through the expression of different art forms.

[00:11:36] Blake Melnick: Join us for #TruthRegenerationandIndigenousWaysofKnowing on the next episode of, for what it's worth.

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