Can Donnie Do It?

Can Donald Trump Recognize These Basic Animals?

December 10, 2020 Them Rascally Donnie Detectives Episode 11
Can Donald Trump Recognize These Basic Animals?
Can Donnie Do It?
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Can Donnie Do It?
Can Donald Trump Recognize These Basic Animals?
Dec 10, 2020 Episode 11
Them Rascally Donnie Detectives

Lace up your Merrells and grab your homemade granola because we are heading into the wilds of nature.  Can Trump identify animals from a list that we painstakingly curated? Let's see how in touch with mother Gaia our president is. 

Show Notes

Lace up your Merrells and grab your homemade granola because we are heading into the wilds of nature.  Can Trump identify animals from a list that we painstakingly curated? Let's see how in touch with mother Gaia our president is.