Mojo for the Modern Man

Books, Broken Bones, and a Hunger to Learn – Robert Muncaster Act 2

Episode 78

Robert Muncaster opens Act 2 by sharing how, whilst facing challenges in his marriage, sitting down for coffee with another man led to stepping into men’s work.  He riffs on the importance of setting ego aside to hold space in relationships.

Reflecting on how “the lesson repeats itself until the lesson is learned,” Robert highlights learning about practices of deeper communication and the importance of making mistakes.

Robert riffs on stories and why storytelling has been part of our DNA for as long as we’ve been around, then turns to the 7 Hermetic Principles as “the learning rabbit hole I’m currently going down!”

Robert shares the gifts of wisdom, understanding, and compassion he’s received through his work in debt recovery, and how he’s learned to use those very gifts not only to recover funds, but to help the people he touches develop accountability, responsibility, connection, and to consciously move beyond their obstacles.

We wrap Act 2 with Robert sharing a sweet, wise poem he penned at the tender age of 19.

There’s more wisdom and delight in this conversation than I can capture in a few intro notes, so I’ll just say that any time with Robert Muncaster is indeed time well spent!

An entrepreneur who started early in business – selling chocolate bars outside banks and liquor stores as a 12-year-old – Robert Muncaster has spent the last 26 years in the Debt Collection Industry, including owning his own agency.  Robert has helped his clients recover millions of dollars while coaching consumers in difficult situations to conquer their challenges and move toward abundance with less stress. 

Utilizing this understanding of human behavior, he is now able to take his business experience to a personal level for people.  As an NLP trained coach, Robert has helped many people beyond being stuck so they can get onto a clear path toward thriving.

You can reach Robert at his website, and via email: