Mojo for the Modern Man

Pulling up Roots and Finding Home with Micheal S. Seaver – Act 1

Episode 81

Michael S. Seaver opens Act 1 with stories of growing up in a small town in Michigan, where his life largely revolved around the family business. He recounts those early years, saying, “I’ll never forget those days of never feeling heard or understood for who I was or am today. I always felt emotionally abandoned.”

 At 18, Michael began to realize that his place in the world was outside of Michigan. He muses on the importance of this revelation, describing it as a building torrent: “first a creek, then a brook, then a waterfall” powerful enough to thrust him into his degree, push him through a divorce, and finally wash him up at the banks of freedom.

 With freedom came growth, stillness, and reflection – skills vital in a culture that often moves too quickly for its own good.  Michael riffs on how these skills, coupled with his experience in the family business, shaped how he approaches service and relationships.  Yet it wasn’t until age 29 that Michael really knew how he wanted to apply his skills.

 Michael is one of the lucky few who discovered his true calling at a relatively young age - with help, of course. He recounts his experiences with Pam, a career coach whose wisdom, combined with a battery of assessments, helped set him on his calling’s career path. 

 We wrap Act 1 with Michael sharing his purpose: to unlock the potential of others.

 Michael S. Seaver is an award-winning executive coach, leadership consultant, keynote speaker, and author. He’s on a mission to unlock human potential to help people uncover and live their purpose and live a more meaningful, authentic life. Michael’s unique methodology has revolutionized how leaders can live authentically and how organizations engage employees. He offers no-nonsense strategies to help people find confidence in their life’s narrative, find commonalities across generations working together, and communicate with emotional intelligence.

 Michael’s newest book, I Know, is available in print, ebook, and audiobook. For more, visit or reach him via email at: