Mojo for the Modern Man

Imperfections, Rock Stars, and Wholeness with Megan Jo Wilson

Episode 93

Megan Jo Wilson is a force of nature by just about any measure.  She’s not only a brilliant singer and coach – she also applies her formidable heart and creativity to helping entrepreneurs get their helping work out into the world.

 After running several iterations of "Rockstar Camp for Women," Megan Jo broke the mold in 2019, bringing a group of men through her “yes, you will sing on stage with a live band in front of a live audience” program.

And the rest really IS Rock & Roll!

Not to give away too many spoilers, but expect to be delighted.

Megan Jo Wilson has been coaching humans since 2004, after sobbing through her first training and declaring, “This is very important work.” 

Since then, she has brought coaching and coach training into hospitals, hair salons, prisons, and board rooms, and has a passion for amplifying marginalized voices.

She is the founder and Head Ringleader of “Rockstar Camp for Women” – an experiential leadership program that empowers women to sing on stage with a live band and audience.  

Her business program, “No More Playing Small” for Women Coaches is based on her belief that confidence can be learned, and marketing can actually be fun.   

She is author of the best-selling business books, “Who the F*ck Am I To Be A Coach” and “No More Playing Small” and she is very delighted to appearing on Mojo for the Modern Man…
Download her book: Who The F*ck Am I To Be A Coach?!
Download her other book: Who The F*ck Am I To Be A Rockstar?!
Follow Megan Jo on Facebook & Instagram