Mojo for the Modern Man

Reawakening the Feels and the Law of GOYA with Chris Plourde - Act 2

Episode 100

Chris Plourde opens Act 2 responding to observations about asking for help, crossing the line to do the work of his own soul’s calling, and moving beyond lingering cultural resistance to getting paid for work he loves.

 Chris digs deep into patterns of fear, highlighting the courage it takes to break free and follow one’s callings.

 Mountains – a whole lot of mountains – become a metaphor for getting on the heart’s path that reveals itself only through the “Law of GOYA.”  (And no, Chris is not talking about the Spanish artist!)

 Expressing gratitude for the butterflies of challenge that invite courage, we begin to wrap Act 2 with Chris sharing the range of the good work he does, helping people become the best possible versions of themselves and, of course, suggesting useful steps they can take to ramp up their own inner work.

Chris Plourde is a coach, businessman, father and husband. He works with top athletes, well-known companies, organizations, celebrities, moms/dads and even military special ops.  As a Former Master Trainer and Presenter, he created and presented content both nationally and internationally, on the mental and physical aspects of training for peak performance in all areas of life.  As a former Chief Executive with Men’s Teams and Organizations, he has mentored many men to find their authentic self and create leadership qualities which they bring to their families, communities, and businesses.  

He helps his clients gain clarity, establish personal performance habits, create balance, and unleash their true potential in all areas of life. He believes while the needs of every type of person may vary, the core concepts are the same. The way you approach one thing in life is the way you approach everything in life.

If Chris has learned one thing in his 20+ years of coaching, it’s that the journey to your most authentic, fulfilled, and happy self begins from the inside out. The process of falling in love with the journey of self discovery means embracing your unique story so that you have clarity on where you have been and where you are meant to be.

Visit Chris and learn more: