Mojo for the Modern Man

Nic Tovey, (R)Evolutionary Man, on Healing and Finding Center - Part 1

Episode 42

Author, Relationship and Intimacy Coach and Psychotherapist Nic Tovey tells his life story of growing up as a sensitive, empathetic kid in a late ‘70’s Margaret Thatcher-era UK industrial town.  An explorer by nature, he shares his early preferences for female companionship, the world of journeying through consciousness via a wide range of substances and joining the British Navy just a week after his 16th birthday.

After leaving the Navy, Nic traveled the world, making his way to Australia, then back to the UK where, out for a night on the town, he was brutally assaulted.

Caught in a perfect storm of life-changes and trauma, he experienced a psychotic break.  Nic was diagnosed with PTSD and depression and, as he tells it, “what became very apparent as I started to seek support - the world didn’t really want to deal with a man who had lost his shit.  It was uncomfortable…”

Nic is an established and experienced Relationship and Intimacy Coach and Psychotherapist, drawing from over a decade of experience counselling and coaching hundreds of men, women and couples.

 He is passionate about the evolving world of gender, sexuality and relationships and is inspired to be a part of a leading-edge movement to challenge outdated paradigms and make way for a new emergence of love in the world.

 Nic is the father of 3 daughters, an explorer of the world and is very much in the trenches with you, trying to work out this thing called life!

You can find Nic’s book, The [R]Evolutionary Man: The Modern Man's Guide To Life, Love and Enlightenment (Whatever The F*ck That Means!) on Amazon, and you can learn more about him and his work on as well as LinkedIn.