Mojo for the Modern Man

Finding, Losing - and Finding - Wisdom: In Conversation with Carlo Bos - part 1

June 15, 2021 Episode 43

The eldest of three brothers, Carlo Bos begins by sharing grateful reminiscences of his childhood in Peterborough, Ontario, including the men who most influenced him.  Carlo credits his grandfather, a United Church minister, for his love of the natural world as well as his capacity to see the interconnectedness of things.

Armed with his grandfather's wisdom, he neatly tucked it into a drawer and went out into the working world where, as many of us do, he got his butt kicked.

On his bounce back in his late 20’s, Carlo learned to be led, to question a reliance on plans and to trust life’s unfolding… 

And as neat and tidy as all that might sound, as you'll hear, it wasn't!

Since January 2018, Carlo has served as the Co-President of the Co-Active Training Institute and is a member of CTI’s Board of Directors.

Under Carlo’s co-leadership, CTI has gone through several transformations that have reshaped CTI’s brand, teams and strategy. These efforts have led to a more agile and profitable business that lives, breathes and experiments with Co-Active Leadership and principles every day.  His current priorities include developing sustainable governance structures and practices while ensuring equity, inclusion, diversity and accessibility are at the heart of CTI’s products, operations and people experience. 

Prior to leading CTI, Carlo spent 15 years working with business leaders from across five continents as an organizational consultant and coach.  He has worked with “High-Potential” leaders up to C- Suite executives, and in mid-sized organizations through to Tier 1, global brands.  

Carlo is a Board Trustee for a leading Canadian independent school, and a community volunteer with Scouts Canada and as a coach for youth soccer.  He lives just outside of Toronto, Ontario, with his wife and 11-year old twin boys.

You can find Carlo on LinkedIn and learn more about CTI here.