Mojo for the Modern Man

Neil Edwards: Freedom, Leadership and the Body - Act 1

August 10, 2021 Episode 52

In act 1, Neil Edwards tells of growing up on the island of New Providence, The Bahamas, where he enjoyed the freedom to roam, explore, learn and “just be.”

Neil shares the story of competing in the CARIFTA Games as a winning junior athlete, the rich, moving experience of representing his country and, in his moments on the podium, having awareness and consciousness “present themselves” to him.

He goes on to discuss some of the lessons in the gift of receiving, gratitude and thanksgiving, touches on “the lies we tell ourselves”, and offers reminders that we belong in ways that transcend ourselves.

Pay particular attention to Neil’s words about “the body…”

Neil works at the intersection of team performance & relationships, leadership and allyship, and identity & wellbeing.

He leads strategic purpose and inclusion organizational efforts at a large consulting firm that focus on advancing a culture of belonging and developing inclusive leaders.

Neil is an executive coach working with individuals and teams interested in the deep work required to develop their leadership, relationships, teams, wellbeing, and expand as an equitable leader and human.  He is a course leader, supervisor, and coach certification examiner for CRR Global in their Organization and Relationship Systems Coach training program, and is one of 26 people globally and 3 in the United States to hold a global license to train and deliver CRR Global’s Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI) at Work material in-house to corporations. He is  also a Co-Active Leadership Program and Co-Active Leadership Experience leader for  CTI, the Co-Active Training Institute.

Neil hosts The Leadership Range podcast and you can learn more about him on LinkedIn and, of course, reach out to him via email.