Mojo for the Modern Man

Nico Boesten: Light, Shadow, Loss and Choice – Act 1

September 07, 2021 Episode 54

Nico Boesten, musician, producer, coach, father and so much more, describes the tender lessons and influences provided by the brilliant light and wounded darkness contained in the very human depths of his own father.  He shares a pivotal moment of a line crossed, an apology sincerely tendered, and a determination to do better – touching on generational healing.

Then there was a trip to Maui and the Divine delivery of a six-string in, of all places, an airport terminal.

 While it would eventually lead to “Song & Rants,” there’s a whole lot of rich storytelling in between!

Nico’s coaching journey began 15 years ago while working in Amsterdam, Minneapolis, and Connecticut.  His practice has now moved to his hometown in Canada. 

Nico is certified through the Co-Active Training Institute and began coaching through the non-profit & faith-based sector.  He specializes in walking with clients to navigate failure, grief, loss, and also new beginnings, including how to start a business and creatively approach the achievement of goals and dreams.  He is a musician, adventure seeker, and entrepreneur who has built several successful companies, raised two beautiful children, and survived the loss of his wife and father.

Nico believes that the essence of coaching is to be with someone fully, to help people dig deep into themselves and have the courage to take risks that bring true fulfillment.

You can learn more about Nico and his work, including his brilliant “Song and Rants” series, on his website.