Living Connected - NVC

Parts Theater with Tisse and Amy

August 23, 2022 Kady Season 3 Episode 76

Tisse, Amy and I talk about Parts Theater and we actual go through a scenario that happened when I was visiting my dad. Parts Theater is a mind blowing experience that can be really touching and moving. I got choked up a bit because it really hit home when sinking into those feelings and needs during each part of me that was being role played. I haven’t really had a chance to allow myself to feel those deep feelings and process them fully. Tisse and Amy gave me space to do that. I have thee most gratitude for both of them. I do feel healed in a way, even in this mini session of what Parts Theater looks / sounds like. I have this ease and at peace with the part of me that was sad and the other part that had compassion. Having this healed part of me, I might be able to express both parts of how I was feeling to my dad. 

Parts Theater is a way to express two needs that are happening inside of you and see those two needs role played by two people. Amy takes you through the steps of how she breaks down Parts Theater into 4 stages. Amy mentioned after the recording that it was so interesting how much deeper Parts Theater can go just by guessing at my feelings and needs. And that Parts Theater might go a little faster than coaching because you can make changes quickly with the directors input and see the process shift. Parts theater offers a different approach than coaching does. Both has its benefits. And it’s so fascinating that we can get at what is true for us, from different angles. 

Amy has been offering Parts Theater workshops and has spent a lot of time and effort changing and modifying this process to include NVC. I had such a remarkable hour with both Tisse and Amy and I am filled with so much thankfulness bc I get to explore NVC with two really amazing humans.

How of Happy

PROMO CODE (all caps):


Amy Whicker:

Connection Collaboratory

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