The Successful Business and Practice of Law - Presented by LAWCLERK

Carolyn Elefant - How I Empowered A Generation Of Solo Lawyers and Built a Thriving Energy Practice

Greg Garman Season 1 Episode 7

Over the past two decades, Carolyn Elefant is  among important voices empowering lawyers to go "Solo By Choice".   On todays episode we discuss:

  • Learning to embrace your solo firm
  • Female empowerment in the practice of law
  • Bolstering the small firm and solo law firms
  • LegalTech
  • Transitioning from a big firm to solo practice
  • The difference between starting her firm in the 90s and running one now
  • Business models behind a firm in the energy sector
  • Law firm 3.0: mixing business models and technology
  • What makes Carolyn and her firm different from others
  • How (and why) to take a sabbatical
  • The story behind the My Shingle law blog 
  • The rise of the creator and ownership economy


The Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant PLLC

My Shingle - Inspiring, Celebrating, & Empowering Solo and Small Law Firms

LAWCLERK: official website


“I felt like there was a need to focus on those issues and to celebrate what solos and smalls are doing and help lawyers learn what solos and small firms were doing.” – Carolyn Elefant

“I stayed solo because I had my daughters, but then I started to realize the kind of business opportunities and the economic opportunities that being on my own could provide.” – Carolyn Elefant

“I had to branch out and identify smaller clients who didn’t have the resources to work with bigger firms.” – Carolyn Elefant

“I think many consumers who have consumer needs are also equally willing to work with a small firm or a firm that’s the size of two to three, rather than a larger firm.” – Carolyn Elefant

“One of the things that’s changed is that businesses are more willing to work with small firms.” – Carolyn Elefant

“I see the rise of specialized, regional firms.” – Carolyn Elefant