The Mothers Of Nations Podcast

CLS#4. In The World But Not Of The World ep. 2

One of the last things the Lord Jesus Christ asked the Father on our behalf is that we shouldn’t be taken out of the world. He stated that we are not of the world even as He was not of the world. There are certain implications to this high priestly prayer of our Lord, which we need to understand if we must effectively minister Christ to our world.

We are the express image of Christ in the world. We have been given charge over a system that is inclined towards evil, that we, who are of the divine realm, may superimpose the plan of God in this present arrangement of things. We are to announce the reconciliation of God and man in this world for it is by us who bear the image of the divine Son that the world will know the form of God. Dr. Annie Smith expounds on the image of Christ, His Likeness, and vocation as the purpose of our living in this world.