A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

I Know Your Yes with Brent German

February 15, 2022 Brent German Season 1 Episode 93

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In this continuation of last week's conversation with Brent German, we visit quite a bit about what Brent does with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to set some triggers that allow his clients to immediately shift their outlook on life.
Brent has identified 3 pillars of psychology that can help enhance anyone's life.

  1. Physiology - just move your body in order to get out of your head.
  2. State of mind or focus - a trigger or tool to change your state of mind in an instant
  3. Language

The first listener that contacts Brent will receive an NLP anchoring session. 
Connect with Brent:
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrentGermaniKnowYourYes
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brent_german_mindset_coach/

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A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

A Subito Media production

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Connect with Magic:
A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And this is your episode 93. I'm again, joined by Brent German, master trainer and practitioner of hypnotherapy, neuro linguistic programming and timeline therapy. Welcome back, Brent.

Brent German:

Hey Magic, how you doing?

Magic Barclay:

Great. How you going?

Brent German:


Magic Barclay:

Excellent. Now in episode 92, we did discuss many of the things that. Cover with all of our guests in this podcast, but I want to learn more about what you do now, your company is I know your, yes. Can you please explain that for the listeners?

Brent German:

It took me about three months to work out that business name, actually on the website. I can find out intuitively all your answers for your life. You need going. So that's why I chose that website, I've got about 15 different tools, but the main one I use is NLP anchoring or neuro-linguistic programming anchoring. And so for those of you listeners out there that are, if you think you're analytical Brian, or you overthink it'll take me about an hour. To change your subconscious mind to get you going forward. But if you're open person like me, it takes me about five minutes. I've done this over the last 14 years. I've done this NLP anchoring, but what it does, we're human. Right? So at the end of the day, we're either going to have good time, good days, bad days. And that's just life. I say, life's like a hot right. It goes up and down all day. So then what the NLP anchoring does is if you're having a bad day within a split second, With the anchoring. I do put it into a positive mindset straightaway. So that's the main tool that I use. Would you like me to expand on a little bit on how I do it?

Magic Barclay:

I would love that.

Brent German:

I'll give you an example. So I say, tell me what the best day of your life is, then I'll pause and they'll tell me some things For most people, there's no correct answer here, but for most people, some examples of what the best day of life is the day they had their first child. It's always generally the first, the day they got married, the day they passed journey, the day they landed that job, but it could be something else. So I found out what that is and intuitively. I will let them know what the best day of their life is. And then I use the NLP anchoring tool to anchor that in their subconscious. So a few weeks ago with a client, he was living with his girlfriend and I was in love with each other, but I moved out. So I, one of the many tools that I used was NLP anchoring. And with it within four sessions that were destined not to get together again. He's actually moved back in and things are going better than they were when he was living there. So Find out what the best day of life is. So for any listeners out there I'd love to know about the rest of your life is, and intuitively I can tell you whether that's correct or not, because I can see myself at your event of the best day of your life. So that's what I do.

Magic Barclay:

Sounds very interesting. Now we talked in episode 92, about some of the losses that you've been through with your family. Many listeners may have a loss in a family, certainly the times that we're living in, you know, there's a lot going on a lot of illness, loss worry. How would you suggest that the listeners separate how they're feeling from who they are?

Brent German:

Well, don't turn to alcohol and drugs. That's just a mask. well, how I did it, when mum passed assigning, I use with myself and all my clients is life life's short and I'd given up golf and not in 96, my mum passed and I decided to start playing golf seriously. Again, hadn't played golf seriously for seven years, but what I did. I used to always use this pretend mom's going to come back to earth for 30 seconds. And what would you like to see with me? She knew I love golf. So I wonder when the club championship for starting golf again, and for those golfers out there, golf is very mentally taxing. If you're not mentally capable, it's very hard to play. Good golf. And I was playing it again. And golf actually got my life back on track. So one thing is if you stopped playing a sport, because sport makes you feel good, you're moving your physical, get out there and do it again. Just go and do it. Even if you're not having fun, I just went and did it. I didn't like it for a while because I couldn't focus mentally. I put too much pressure on myself to the perfect golf shot. Every shot has it, but I just kept on guard, grinding through. And after about a year and a half mentally, I was fine. And then what I did and I still believe you, sometimes you have to lose before you can win in on and on and on. I had a chance to win the club championships, which is the best golfer at that golf club for that year. And it I lost, but the next year I was mentally tougher and I was more determined. I had more confidence, but I won the club championships. And I just, but what I did, it was quite funny, but it was raining that day. I walked up the steps when I'd won and my mates were in the clubhouse. And then did you lose? I said, now I'm so happy that I won this club championship for mum. I'm just overwhelmed with emotion. So I only went in for one beer that went home to bed. I was it mentally. But, um, so that's what I did. I did went outside of myself and did something from. Because I wanted to pretend that she'd come back to earth and she saw that I'd won a club championship for her. No one taught me that. I taught that myself, why don't we where I got it from? But that just happened. But I did the same thing when I became a golf pro. So being to be a golf pro in Australia, it's 80 hours a week, you're playing 30 golf tournament a year with heaps of pressure. You have to have good scores every year and better every year to get through. But I remember it was in mine, on my birthday at token mall where I was playing this pro event and I hit a wage on the green. So about 30 feet away, uh, just start bawling my eyes out. And I only remember one of the guys I was playing with Chris and I was Beza. He said I said, yeah, you probably don't know this about me. The best seven years ago, my mum died. And one of the main reasons I wanted to be a golf pro, I love golf number one, but, and you know that, but I wanted to also do this for my mum. So I cried the whole way, 130 meters, the whole last hall. I couldn't even see what I padded and for those golf pros at Naomi out there, if you're listening, I don't mind to be a half ago. Chris cage, Cameron freebie. I said, mate, I'm just too mentally tired. He goes, no, I understand. So that's what I did. I didn't actually do it for me. I did it for my mom on the provisor that I pretended, she said I come back to earth for 30 seconds and just see what I'd done for her. So that's what I did. I haven't written in the book. I haven't, no one told me to do it. I just did it. But that was one thing that got me.

Magic Barclay:

Well done now in the notes that we've been sending backwards and forwards with each other, you've mentioned that there are three pillars of psychology that can help enhance anyone's life. What are they?

Brent German:

Uh, number one's physiology. Two is your state of mind or focus, and three is language. So if you're stuck or put in layman's terms, so it feels like Elegy move. So you're not doing the exercise. Just kind of walk 10 minutes a day. You got to start moving because if you get in your head, you're dead. And I will apply a lot of different tactics to physiology, but basically that means just move, move your body. You know, when we were kids, we moved all the time, even doing star jumps. Energetic and it gets you moving. And so when you, when you get moving, actually get out of your head, get out of your thinking kid. You can't be sad or depressed or anxious because when you're moving, you can't be those things state of mind or focus. Well, that's, that's what I use with NLP anchoring technique. I can, can give you a trigger or a tool so you can change your state of mind in an instant. And that's a big strength of mine with my clients, but just changing your state can be something as simple as what's your favorite song, especially an energetic one. What makes, what song makes you feel good? Just ply it flat out, whether it's at home or in the car or on your phones, whatever, but play a song that makes you happy. And for me, my favorite song back in the day, Is black Betty by Ram jam. So I love that song and I'm not, oh, it makes no, I love that song. So I would just play some happy songs. And number three is language. You know, I can't put this with all my clients all the time, and I'm very quick to pick on them, pick up on people's language, because if we just give you an example and how much of the site itself, I feel bad. So familiar, where do I feel that in the body that's the wrong way, by the way, I feel it on my stomach. Well, let's flip that. So I feel fantastic. So where I feel that he's in my heart, I feel good to feel positive about that. So it's hard to actually change your language. You self cause hard to be aware of. So. But swear words are very negative. Try to cut your swear words at it. Cause I generally got a negative attachment to them so that there are few of the things I cover and everyone's individual, but in my first session with a client and have I'm do six as a minimum. I actually noticed the language you're using and I spend a whole hour on language, like give him some homework and we'll come back. And I started that and people start to understand the power of words on how good words and bad words make them feel. So that's how I help people change their state of the physiology. Well then

Magic Barclay:

great. We're going to wrap it up here. And I really love to offer my listeners freebies. So you've mentioned that for the first listener that contacts you with Brent German coach they'll receive a freebie of the NLP anchoring technique. They'll do that with you. And that's valued at over$260. That is very generous.

Brent German:

Thank you. People can find you on Facebook at Brent German or Facebook at how to survive the death of a loved one. We're also on Facebook when against all odds and on Facebook at how to cure anxiety without drugs and alcohol. You're also on Instagram at Brent German coach. Thanks so much for joining us and sharing all of your amazing expertise. Listeners coming up in episode 94, we have Tom Peller, Dino teaching us about scalar energy. Now that is absolutely amazing. I've had a look at his website. I can't wait to speak with him, but listeners for now go forth and create your magical life.