A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Rebellious Wellness with Gregory Anne Cox

March 21, 2022 Gregory Anne Cox Season 1 Episode 98
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
Rebellious Wellness with Gregory Anne Cox
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss +
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Show Notes Transcript

We're back with Gregory Anne Cox, a certified health and weight loss coach for women over 50 who want to take a rebellious approach to aging. Greg also used to coach for people who spoke at masterminds to help them pitch and speak better.

Today we'll talk about health as we age.  There's so many things that seem to be part of aging, but that's not necessarily the case. Being rebellious with health means demanding the care from your providers. Just because a disease runs in your family doesn't mean you have to develop it.

Connect with Greg:
Online: https://rebelliouswellnessover50.com/power5/
On Facebook: https://facebook.com/rebelwell50
On Instagram: https://instagram.com/rebelwell50
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A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

A Subito Media production

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A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

Gregory Anne Cox:

welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And I'm again, joined today by Gregory and Cox. Now in episode 97, we spoke to Greg about the power of five. And today we're really going to talk and deep dive into what. Rebellious wellness. Welcome back, Greg. Thank you so much magic. It's so nice to be here again with you. Thank you. Now look, our last episode, we really just touched on a whole lot of things. And I think the listeners get very confused when it comes to health. As we're aging, certainly with women, as we hit menopause and things start shifting and changing and you know, our bodies don't move the way they did at 20. And you know, our weight doesn't sit where it used to sit when we gain it. And it's not as easy to get rid of it. So I think there's so many things. We really need to explain to the listeners here and really empower them so that beyond 50, they can be rebellious. And well, what would you like to share with the listeners? I want to explain why rebellious, why the word rebellious is in there. And it's because I believe that it is a rebellious act to demand the kind of care we need. To make sure that we're listened to. When we go to a practitioner to say this isn't working for me, or I don't want that treatment, what else can you do? It there's a balance. It's almost like courage, but it is rebellious because many people will just assume that what society says is true. We're, you know, we're getting older, we should sort of fade away. You're going to get a disease. You might as well get used to it. Your parents had it. You're going to get it. That's just not the case, but it's hard to fight. Of this. Culture that we're in, where it's, you know, marketing is all around us. Everything has a marketing message. And the, if you follow the money, the big medical organizations, probably in your country as well have the biggest budgets. And so they also sell the most, you know, money's worth of prescription medications. So. When they're talking about cholesterol and those kinds of things, they have a drug attached to the end of the conversation. Like you're all these bad things, but we can help you take this medication again. A rebellious person might say, I, what can we try before the meds? I am not against medication. I know that there are times when it is important. All I'm saying is there are way too many prescriptions being handed out. And for reasons that are really not necessarily the right reason to give these medicines, So I want to empower my audience, your audience, anybody we can to go with their gut. If the gut says, you know what? I don't, I think I heard somebody say, I don't have to get diabetes just because it runs in my family. Let me look into that a little bit more, but then find the people that you trust to get the next round of information. Dr. Google is great, but not all like lots of things show up on Google that are not necessarily in your best day.

Magic Barclay:

Totally and listeners, you know, I've said this from day one and just a quick reminder on this point that every medication has a mechanism of action. That mechanism of action could be to stop a natural process in your body. So acid reflux blockers are a perfect example here or statins. Your cholesterol. Dan is another example and these mechanisms of action are actually unnatural in the body. when you stop a process happening in the body, you create an imbalance or a blockage in another process. So really, if you are going to take prescription meds, ask a million questions about. Okay. If I take this, what is the side effect? What are you stopping? And then if you stop that, what does that mean for me? So the same with surgeries, I'm not against surgeries, but if you take your gallbladder out because you have gallstones, then you can no longer break down fats. Now, what is the flow on effect from that? So really just empower yourself and ask the questions. And if the doctor writing the script. Does not know the answers to those questions, go to someone who does, because they're getting paid to write you a script. They're getting paid a commission on everything they write for you. And if they don't know the process of what that medication is doing, they're getting paid for not sharing information with you and it's your body you want to be. Well, that's why you've gone to the doctor. So ask the question. We'll get off my soap box.

Gregory Anne Cox:

Now I'm right there. Next to you on that soapbox.

Magic Barclay:

There's so many people look at their diet as an issue, and we hear about the, you know, donate fats, donate sugars, and that donate sugars as a blanket statement. I know many GPS and even health coaches say don't eat fruit with. Kind of crazy. So how would you address diets? Especially as we start to age and things do change.

Gregory Anne Cox:

That's a great question. Magic. The, what changes is unexpected for most women, some people who have always loved eggs and been eating eggs and no problem. We'll find that if they eat an egg, they get a little bit of a stomach upset. Maybe they get a headache. The same is true for grains. So. Women, as we transition through perimenopause, into menopause with the hormonal changes, find that grains are not the fuel. They used to be, that they actually make us tired. And it's really a hormonal response. There's nothing you can do to control your hormones. You can support them with bioidenticals if you want. But. You want to pay attention to how you feel when you eat certain foods and then say, huh, maybe I should not have that. Then don't eat it for a few days. Actually, probably at least seven, put it back in and see how you feel again. Um, it's a bummer that things change about the foods that are going to make us happy or not, but it does change. And the other thing that we, it's not as easy to pinpoint, but it is possible. Some people run better on carbs and a little bit of fat. And some people run better on more fat and a little bit of carbs. The protein ratio generally stays about the same. And so I would say if you're used to eating, let's just say, even if you buy a whole grain, maybe you bought chickpea pasta and you're having a beautiful tomato sauce with a couple of shrimp. It used to be able to eat nice sized bowl of that, and everything would be great. Now you eat it and you feel exiled. So the next time you make it, make it with a little pasta, more of the good tomato veggie sauce, and some shrimp and see how you feel. It's a time of self diagnostics. If you will, when it comes to food and there's nothing wrong with trying a diet protocol, keto or intermittent fasting, or, you know, whatever, WeightWatchers, whatever. But again, if, if it doesn't work for you, there is no shame in that. Put it down, find something else that does really, if you want to boil it all down to like what is healthy food? Like I said earlier, make sure or yes, on the other episode, make sure your your day has at least half of the food that you consume fresh, raw and or lightly cooked vegetables. Absolutely a ton of antioxidants and great things and fruit, I would never say donate any fruit unless somebody had a real problem with sugar, like a diabetic maybe should not eat a lot of fruit granted, but filled those plates with lots of what comes from the ground alive, whether you want to cook it or not. It's fine. Uh, one of my favorite doctors, his name is Dan Kalish. He always says, if you eat a bowl of raw food. And, uh, not meat, but veggies and a bowl of cooked every day. Like a cereal bowl size. You'll be good to go. That's as much of that world as you need. Now, if you want to eat more, that's great. But five a day doesn't really cut it, which is the common prescription over here. Five, a day of fruits and vegetables. I think it's gotta be more like 10.

Magic Barclay:

Totally. And here in Australia, over the past few years, there's been a five and two kind of thing going, you know, have five vegetables and two fruits every day. Listeners. That's not enough. That is so not enough. You know, we are primates, most primates eat mainly vegetables. So, you know, yeah. We have a little bit of meat here and there, but we are primates. We need to feed our bodies as if we were gorillas or chimps or, you know, something like that. And another quick rant here, fruit and veg doesn't have to come from a T. It doesn't have to be wrapped in plastic. You know, it doesn't have to be processed nature, provided it the way it's supposed to be. So just go for it, grow your own food and really boost up your veggie intake because you've got all the vitamins there. If you grow it in good soil, it's got all the minerals attached to it. So don't peel the carrot, eat the minerals, attached to it as well. You know, it's got all the great antioxidants and things like that. When you get it from a tin, it doesn't have most of that. So, you know, really just get your hands in and, and enjoy your food before you're eating it.

Gregory Anne Cox:

Yes. And the other thing I would say about that, the fresh version versus the 10 version. It has the fiber. You want to help you feel full and to keep you regular. I don't want to talk about poop necessarily, but we got to do it. And if you limit your choices to canned processed food, you're not getting nearly enough fiber. And you're also not getting, as, as magic said, the beauty of all the nutrition that's in a raw or lightly cooked vegetable versus the ones in the 10.

Magic Barclay:

Totally. Now there's so many facets to health and wellness. As we get older, let's just go further into movement here for a bit. So as we get older, our bodies change. Now I know in the last episode you mentioned chair yoga. There's so many people that think once my body slows down, You know, inflammation sets in. I can't move the way I did. So chair, yoga, walking, things like that. Let's talk about some options here, especially for the women out there over 50 as to how they can increase their movement.

Gregory Anne Cox:

I think you've talked about it. I don't know whether you called it incidental movement, natural movement, which includes reaching if you think about our ancestors, they had to reach for the fruit off of the tree, or reach up to grab a branch to help build their shelter. They had to squat. As you talked about, if you're gardening, don't sit don't kneel on one of those knee benches. I don't know a lot of people whose knees still want to be kneeling anyway these days and get up if you can't because you have really bad knees, then what can you. Can you sit in a chair and lift, extend your leg out in front of you, and then put it down there. If I have a habit lately, because I understand the importance of being stable, what I mean. My body in alignment so that I can have a reaction if I start to trip or something, I want to know that I have good balance. So when I brush my teeth, now I lift one foot off the ground. I have electric toothbrush, 30 seconds. Then I lift the other food for the other 30 seconds. And then I just do something else. It really is. There are lots and lots of ways, but again, it's mindful. I know for a lot of people sit at a desk. Can you stand up? Can you, I have I moved my desk into my laundry room? Cause my clothing washing machine is tall. So I have a little desk that's movement just standing because your core body is working. If you're standing and typing and thinking. And so I, you know, I, we can't cover every possible option. However, I think. It is easy enough when we look at our clock and say, gosh, I've been sitting here for two hours. What can I do? If all you can do is walk, then just walk.

Magic Barclay:

And just before our podcast, I actually went for a walk and it was starting to rain and you know, it's a bit cold, like we're in the middle of summer, but we've had this two day snap coats pill, which is strange, very odd. But anyway, so I went for a walk and I thought too, I go the dirt track and you know, really exercise my core because I know it's going to be slippery.

Gregory Anne Cox:

Part of my mind was saying, no, don't do that. It could be dangerous. You might fall. You might slip. But then I looked at all the positives of going to dirt track versus walking on the foot path. And I thought I won't fall because I know how to send to my balance. And I won't slip because I'm going to be careful. And it hasn't really rained that much. And after a short walk, I felt like I'd done such a workout, just keeping myself upright against the wind and. And it was just so exhilarating. So listeners, you know, it doesn't have to be that you're walking 11 K's or whatever that is in miles, you know, just doing the block and, or just doing the local park and choosing the more difficult option that uses more muscles could be the way to go. And certainly if you're time poor, you know, I was only out for 40 minutes. Normally I walked for an hour and a half. But I came back feeling like I'd done the hour and a half because I was using my core. I was thinking about all the great things this is doing for my body. So I engaged my mind along the walk, not just walking aimlessly and not even thinking about it in a, my mind was really into it. And it was probably one of the better walks I've done this week. So. You know, really get out there and you don't have to be sweating it out at a gym. You don't have to be lifting weights, just using your body weight, using yourself as resistance can be the way to go. Absolutely. Now, Greg, is there anything else that you feel we need to share with the listeners today? One of the things that. Super important of late sciences, recognizing this is the idea that we have people in our lives, women especially need connection to other women. That's a thing that is our brain. Our brain decided this, it isn't in some group that said that this is the way it is. We need to connect with other women, not necessarily in our family. As a matter of fact, they say, have people outside your family, have a close circle, even one other person. And. The reason is because that person who accepts you and loves you as you are with all of the foibles that we all have, all the faults is giving something to you on an energetic. It's you could be watching a movie. It doesn't matter. You're you're with this person and your heart gets in coherence with the heart of a person who is admiring you, loving you, tolerating you, whatever it is, but still loving you. And they're saying now that that is just as important for heart health as we age as any of the other lifestyle habits that we invent create. So I would say if we talked about it in the last episode, Drama in your life. And it's, uh, from a person divorce that drama, figure out a way and make sure that you are in touch with somebody or more than one. Somebody who you can really just be yourself with connect, with, talk about what's going on, get the support you need in any way, shape or form. Maybe they're going to go to the doctor or be the set of ears you don't. Sometimes we can't listen to what the is saying when it's us right under the mic. Maybe that person is going to go and be your patient advocate, whatever it is. So all I'm saying is connection is super important to add to the lifestyle habits that we create.

Magic Barclay:

That is great information. Now, listeners, this was your episode, 98 in 99. We have SEF, Dateland coming to talk about talking to my angels and I know that sounds woo, woo. But I have recorded that episode already with SIF and trust me, it's one. You really want to listen to. Thank you so much, Gregory and Cox for joining us again and sharing all your brilliant information with the listeners. Now, I guess some parting words on rebellious wellness for the listeners.

Gregory Anne Cox:

B, whatever it is that you want to be, the most rebellious thing you can do is live at the way you want to live. It, dye your hair purple, get whatever the kind of exercise you want. Get married, get divorced, go to China. It doesn't matter. It's really important. We only have now and every now becomes tomorrow really, really quickly. And don't waste any of your tomorrows being something that other people want you to be. If it doesn't.

Magic Barclay:

Perfect. What a fantastic message out there. Listeners listeners, thank you for your time again. Go forth and create your magical life.