A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Pathogens 101

Season 1 Episode 101

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In today's episode, I'll give you some insight into pathogens in the body and what they actually do.  There are 4 types of pathogens: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.  On their own, they have a symbiotic relationship keeping each other in check. Illness happens when there an imbalance and the immune system launches an attack against the pathogen. 

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And today is just a quick episode on the basics on how pathogens harm you. There's so much going on in the world at the moment. And this is a war in the name of disease or in the name of health and why? Because we fear a pathogen. So I thought I'd break down for you. The three main pathogens, we will discuss a couple of others, but the three main ones and how they work. So, of course, first of all, you have bacteria. These guys are often blamed for all the aid was going on in your body were prescribed over and over from childhood antibiotics for things that are not bacterial problems, bacteria, aren't all. There's actually good bacteria that we need. And many of those live in our gut and they help make neurotransmitters in our gut. So yes, chemicals that help operate a brain and our brains responses to things actually start in the gut where they're made by bacteria. Now we also have fungus. Fungus can be good and bad again. There's no black or white here. Many fungus are good. The whole idea of a fungus is that it's a microorganism that breaks things down. So this is why your compost pile at homeworks because the fundus gets in and it breaks things down, but it can do that in your body too. And sometimes that's not a good thing. So one fungus that is pathogenic is can data now, many natural paths and doctors we'll talk about can data albicans. They think that's the only canned data there is. There's actually about 270 different strains of canned data. And again, they're not all bad. But they need to be in balance more on that in a moment, but there are other fungus and that includes molds, which there are 37 known types of mold. Again, not all bad. Most of them are. And they're the ones that we know and really don't love. And then here's that word? We're all terrified of it at the moment. Viruses. Now viruses a fine in our bodies, if they're in a latent form or in a dormant stage and how they do that is RNA. The virus is recognized by our innate immune system. Our first line of defense, if the innate immune system can't work it out, the acquired immune system jumps in, but the RNA is recognized by our body. Now you actually cannot catch a virus. I'm going to say that again. You cannot catch a virus. What you can do is your body's immune system goes, Hmm. See new somewhere before I know that RNA strand, what I'm going to do is launch an attack to protect the body. So that's what happens now while we're on viruses. I need to say this, please don't stop listening just because you think I'm a Nutter because I'm really not. I'm talking science here and there are many published studies by reputable places that will back this info up to your research folks. And let's talk Corona viruses now, coronavirus. Include the common cold. They include the flu. In fact, they include so many things. There's over a thousand known Corona viruses. So this whole fear going on in the world about a Corona virus. Well, I think we need to put it into perspective. We have lived with Corona viruses since time began. Every living thing can carry the RNA strand of a Corona virus, but you cannot catch a new virus. You can inject a new virus, you can inhale a new virus and you can ingest a new virus. But for your body launch an immune response, it needs to understand what the RNA message is telling the body and believe it or not her body has dealt with coronaviruses for so long that it knows what the RNA strand is. And it can Mount its own defense. No, I'm not going to get into. What's currently going on. I just want you to understand how viruses and the body work. Now. I didn't say there's a relationship between all of these three types of pathogens and that is that's a little bit complex, but here we go. This relationship is demonstrated in a human. Of all of the cells in a human body, only 10% of those cells are actually human cells. Most of them up to 90% are pathogenic, but not in a bad way. And this is because they have a symbiotic relationship with each other. Here's how this goes. Viruses eight bacteria and. Bacteria eight viruses and fungus and fungus viruses and bacteria. Now I'm saying eight, but what they actually do is destructure structure them and take the parts that they need to keep the human body safe or any animals, body. But we're talking human. As an example here, take one of those three. Pathogen features away. Let's say by administering antibiotics, as an example, you take out the bacteria, then there's an imbalance. And what happens when you take antibiotics, you start getting eyes, you start getting thrush. Guess what? That is a fungal. Overflow. So take away bacteria viruses and fungus will thrive. This is why some people get thrush and some people get the flu. Yeah, that's an example would taking bacteria at, if you take viruses out, then you cannot stimulate an immune response. Naturally. And so what happens is bacteria and fungus come up and this is where people start getting this itchy skin and, you know, white Curtin, tongue and itchy ears and tonsillitis. It's not because of a new infection. It's because you actually tried to stamp out a message. It's because he actually tried to stamp out a messenger infection. So a virus that was in a latent form, not doing any harm, but letting your immune system know, Hey, if you see this guy, here's his mugshot, call me, I'll ramp up the antibodies and you'll be fine. But because we've delved those antibodies, we'd get a bacterial infection or a fungal infection. And the same goes when we treat fungus in isolation. Now this is all when we treat these things in isolation. So treat fungus in isolation. What happens? You start to get a runny nose, itchy eyes, feel like the flu's coming on as your viral infection, you know, you might have bacterial infections. You get swollen, lymph nodes, all sorts of things can happen because these three pathogens have to work in a symbiotic relationship. Now, there are other pathogens that we come across as humans. Well, any animal comes across them, but again, using humans as an example, because I'm pretty sure most of my listeners here. So here goes parasites, definitely silence after that one. Why to not to full moon where I am while I'm recording this for you. Have you ever wondered why people go a bit loony on a full moon because that's when parasites are most active. Yes. They work on lunar phases. Then a lot of studies done into this ongoing. What we see is parasitic action ramps. On a full moon, not to say that they're not active the rest of the month because they are now what happens when a parasite finds you? Well, parasites are larger organisms than anything else that we've discussed so far in this episode. And what happens is they usually have some passengers on them. So parasites carry. New viral cells into your body. Now, remember I said, you can only get a new virus by ingesting injecting or inhaling. The parasite bites you and it injects these new viral cells into parasites also include ticks. So we know there's a lot of tick-borne disease. But we know when you go on that great holiday, you drink some water somewhere, or maybe you go for a swim somewhere and you come back and you've got rumbly, runny belly, headaches, fatigue, you got a parasite. Hey, you go off to that parasite. You try and treat that all of a sudden you've got Epstein, BARR, virus, or Ross river fever or something. Horrible life. And that's because that parasite carried a new virus to your body. So in you RNA thread of viral cells that your body has not seen before. So there are pathogens that harm. There are pathogens, they don't really. But they help us exist and function. Let's put it that way. So that is the basics on pathogens in a nutshell, how pathogens harm you? Well, if you take one out, you create an imbalance and the others takeover. That's just a small science lesson for the listeners, because I really am getting a little bit fed up with hearing. That you can catch a virus or that we need to shut down the world because of a virus. And just on that, let me just say this. And again, I don't mean to offend anyone by saying this, but this is real science. When you try and stamp out a virus or any pathogen for that matter, we've seen it with bacteria in the past. When you try and stamp it out, it comes back bigger. And stronger and meaner. We've heard of this with bacteria. So we've heard of superbugs now in hospitals because we tried to stamp out strep or staff and by overuse of antibiotics, we've created resistant strains of these bacteria that are now known as superbugs. And we're doing exactly the same thing. Now, virus. And we are creating resistant strains of viruses. Whereas if we let them go on their Merry way, and not to say here, you know, let them kill zillions of people. But if we let it play out and let our immune systems take care of what they already understand, then any virus becomes. And just on pathogens. My final word on pathogens. My final scientific word on pathogens is when you are under stress pathogens have fun. So when you are under stress, be it mental stress, emotional stress, physical stress, any stress. That is when we see pathogens start having too much fun in our bodies. That's where you might start getting hives under stress. You might start getting hepatitis symptoms under stress in other inflammation symptoms, you start getting sick under stress, you get runny noses and aches and pains, and, you know, Do you just feel really crappy under stress because you've opened the door for pathogens to have fun. How about we shut that door? We start respecting our immune systems. We start respecting this symbiotic relationship that pathogens have. We start respecting science of thousands of yearswithout trying to override it without trying to say we know better, because we tried to do that before. Remember with antibiotics and it didn't work. There's more scientific word. This was your episode 1 0 1. And in 1 0 2, we have David McBee talking every day life lessons for now. Listeners. Thank you for your time. Go forth. Your magical life.